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Iberdrola reportedly looking to increase UK interconnection capacity

Sep 12, 2007 - Datamonitor

Spanish utility Iberdrola, which recently acquired its UK counterpart ScottishPower, plans to invest approximately E1.3 billion to increase the interconnection capacity between Scotland and northern England, reported AFX News, quoting El Economista, which obtained its information from sources close to UK energy watchdog Ofgem.

According to AFX News, El Economista said that Iberdrola is considering two options for increasing the interconnection capacity in the north of England. One possibility would see Strathclyde linked to Harker in the north of England, while the other would connect Eccles to the northeast of England.

El Economista has reportedly said that connecting Strathclyde to Harker is the more probable option, as 116km of the total 120km that would be required for the interconnection work is already part of ScottishPower's distribution network.

According to AFX News, Iberdrola is expected to release information about its investment plans with ScottishPower in October 2007.

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