AEP, ITC Complete Extra-High Voltage Transmission
Sep 19, 2007 - American Electric
Companies recommend 700 miles of
new, extra-high voltage transmission linking Ohio
to Michigan to enhance reliability, and support
a more efficient generation market, including making
better use of existing generation
Columbus, OH – American Electric
Power and ITC Holdings Corp. (ITC) recently released
the results of their joint technical study evaluating
the feasibility of extending AEP’s existing 765-kilovolt
(kV) transmission infrastructure through Michigan
to enhance reliability and support a more efficient
generation marketplace. The companies announced
the study Nov. 6, 2006.
The study results recommend building
three segments of extra-high voltage 765-kV regional
transmission in PJM Interconnection (PJM) and Midwest
ISO (MISO) that would extend AEP’s existing 765-kV
transmission system in the southwest corner of the
Lower Peninsula of Michigan east across Michigan
and south to the existing 765-kV infrastructure
in Ohio. If built as recommended, the project would
total approximately 700 miles, about 420 miles in
Michigan and 280 miles in northern Ohio.
The study proposes a 765-kV transmission
line entering Michigan from the south up to a new
transmission station to be built west of Detroit,
followed by a segment that would cross Michigan
from west to east connecting the D.C. Cook Nuclear
Plant at Bridgman, Mich., to Detroit, and then a
third transmission line that would enter Michigan
from the southeast near Canton, Ohio, and extend
northwest to Detroit.
“We believe adding significant 765-kV
transmission resources in this area and linking
them to AEP’s 2,100-mile 765-kV transmission network
in the Midwest are keys for implementing the comprehensive,
long-term energy future envisioned by Governor Granholm’s
21st Century Energy Plan,” said Michael G. Morris,
AEP chairman, president and chief executive officer.
“Building a strong transmission network in this
region will better utilize existing resources by
allowing as much as 5,000 megawatts of additional
power to be transported to and through Michigan,
expanding access to additional competitive generation
options and reducing the amount of generation necessary
for reserve needs. This transmission network would
increase efficiency by reducing current transmission
line losses by approximately 250 megawatts – the
size of a small power plant. Extra-high voltage
transmission also will provide a reliable, stable
electricity delivery system in the region to enhance
economic development and support increased development
of renewable generation.”
If the entire project were built as
proposed in the study, it would cost an estimated
$2.6 billion (in 2007 dollars) and would take approximately
eight years to complete, assuming three years to
site and five years to construct.
“Although the cost of the recommended
upgrades sounds significant, transmission costs
typically make up less than 10 percent of a customer’s
electricity bill. If these costs are allocated to
all regional customers, this significant transmission
improvement would cost less than 50 cents each month
on the bill of an average residential customer using
1,000 kilowatthours per month. Even without considering
the reliability improvements, this investment can
be more than recouped by the savings realized through
access to additional generation resources and by
reducing the need to bring additional generation
on line,” Morris said.
AEP and ITC have provided copies of
the technical report to PJM and MISO for their independent
review and evaluation. PJM and MISO are responsible
for planning the transmission system upgrades in
their respective regions and for evaluating cross-border
facilities. The study also will be shared with the
Michigan Public Service Commission, the Public Utilities
Commission of Ohio and other interested parties,
such as the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission.
If the project is included in the PJM and MISO transmission
upgrade plans, actual siting of the lines would
be conducted according to Michigan and Ohio siting
AEP and ITC are investigating the
feasibility of forming a joint venture that would
develop the project pending MISO and PJM review.
ITC Holdings Corp. invests in the
electricity transmission grid to improve electric
reliability, reduce congestion, improve access to
markets and lower the overall cost of delivered
energy. Through its subsidiaries, ITC is the only
independent, publicly traded company engaged exclusively
in the transmission of electricity in the United
States. ITC is the eighth-largest transmission company
in the country based on electric sales. ITCTransmission
and Michigan Electric Transmission Company operate
contiguous, fully-regulated, high-voltage systems
in Michigan´s Lower Peninsula.
American Electric Power is one of
the largest electric utilities in the United States,
delivering electricity to more than 5 million customers
in 11 states. AEP ranks among the nation’s largest
generators of electricity, owning more than 38,000
megawatts of generating capacity in the U.S. AEP
also owns the nation’s largest electricity transmission
system, a nearly 39,000-mile network that includes
more 765 kilovolt extra-high voltage transmission
lines than all other U.S. transmission systems combined.
AEP’s transmission system directly or indirectly
serves about 10 percent of the electricity demand
in the Eastern Interconnection, the interconnected
transmission system that covers 38 eastern and central
U.S. states and eastern Canada, and approximately
11 percent of the electricity demand in ERCOT, the
transmission system that covers much of Texas. AEP’s
utility units operate as AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian
Power (in Virginia and West Virginia), AEP Appalachian
Power (in Tennessee), Indiana Michigan Power, Kentucky
Power, Public Service Company of Oklahoma, and Southwestern
Electric Power Company (in Arkansas, Louisiana and
east Texas). AEP’s headquarters are in Columbus,
SOURCE: American Electric Power