With electricity deregulation, independent authorities
have been established to manage regional power systems.
But not all are created equal
Starting in the 1990s, as electric power systems
have been reorganized in the United States to allow
for wholesale trading by producers and distributors
of electricity, independent authorities called Independent
System Operators (ISOs) have been established to manage
grids. Today, several major blackouts later, it seems
apparent that experience counts for something. The
devastating California electricity crisis of 2000–01—which
bankrupted huge utilities in a matter of weeks, cost
the state’s governor his job, and led to the collapse
of Enron—occurred when California’s new ISO was just
getting on its feet. In 2003, at a time when a Midwest
ISO was just setting up shop in Indiana and didn’t
yet have its act together, a devastating outage started
in its poorly regulated operating area and ended up
blacking out almost the entire Northeast and Midwest
of the United States, plus two Canadian provinces.
Tellingly, the 2003 blackout was largely contained
by two ISOs that descended from power pools of long-standing
and high repute. PJM (the Pennsylvania–New Jersey–Maryland
Interconnection) lost only 4500 megawatts of the 61
200-MW generating capacity that was active at the
time the blackout occurred. Managers and engineers
at ISO New England, headquartered in Holyoke, Mass.,
breathed sighs of relief when the cascading outage
stopped at the region’s New York state borders.
ISO New England’s activities are not confined to
the control room. As a separate function, it maintains
an online system in which electricity is traded on
both a day-ahead and spot basis. Operationally, the
ISO works intimately with five local control centers
throughout the region, which open and close breakers
at electrical substations in response to system requirements.
The centers, besides acting on the ISO’s instructions,
provide important redundancy. If the ISO itself were
disabled, all management of the system reverts to
them. At the same time, the centers, like the ISO,
are doing state estimation and contingency evaluation
in real time, cross-checking each other’s results.
The basic operating rule, explains Peter Brandien,
ISO New England’s vice president for system operations,
is to have enough generating reserves available at
any given time so that, within 10 minutes, they could
be called upon to compensate for the largest conceivable
loss of generation.
Most days that’s easy, but how about a really hot
day, when temperatures are rising and everybody’s
turning on the air conditioning? ISO NE is always
looking forward in time to estimate what conditions
will be, says Brandien. If things are getting too
tight, so that generating reserves could be inadequate,
“then we adopt procedures which initially will not
be visible to the public. We start to communicate
with generators, ensuring that they are making available
all the power they can generate. We’ll ask the generators
and utilities if they can begin to cut on their usage.
“If things continue to tighten, then we have to
go out to the public and ask for demand customers
to make cuts. [Demand customers are the large consumers
that have contracted with the ISO to curtail their
electricity consumption upon demand.] Then we’ll go
to voluntary appeals for cuts, which we’ve found to
be very effective in New England.
“If that’s still not enough, we ratchet up the level
of appeals to state agencies, asking them to issue
appeals of their own. The last resort is to impose
rotating blackouts, but we have not had to do that
here in New England, probably because of the extensive
communications we maintain with all parties.” Email
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