Senate Transmission Bill Will Help Modernize Grid
May 14, 2009 - /PRNewswire
ITC Holdings Corp. (NYSE: ITC) praises U.S. Senate
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Chairman
Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) today for completing action on
legislation that would take needed steps to modernize
America's aging energy infrastructure. The proposal
calls for reforms to the primary roadblocks the nation
faces in developing a truly modern energy grid including
how it plans, pays for and sites needed transmission
projects. Specifically, the bill enables the development
of an interconnection-wide transmission plan, calls
for federal backstop to existing state siting authority
and delegates cost-allocation authority to FERC through
a rulemaking process.
"This is the first step in the process, but it is
a significant one," said Nina Plaushin, Director of
Federal and Legislative Affairs at ITC. "By providing
proposed reforms to the three key regulatory obstacles
to transmission expansion -- planning, siting and
cost allocation -- the Committee has set a solid framework
for deliberation on these critical issues and moved
the debate forward considerably. By acting on this
legislation, the Committee has demonstrated its commitment
to a robust transmission grid that can meet the nation's
energy and environmental goals. There is agreement
that there is a problem and now we are tasked with
the challenging job of coming up with workable solutions."
As the nation's first and largest independent transmission
company, ITC has a unique perspective on the obstacles
to strategically developing new electricity transmission
that will help meet the nation's energy goals. A modern
grid, including a high- voltage backbone, will increase
reliability across the system, allow the country to
take full advantage of renewable energy resources
and save the economy billions of dollars each year
through access to lower cost power and reduced congestion
ITC supports the broad initiatives in the bill including:
using existing regional planning processes, but requiring
that an interconnection-wide plan be developed; allowing
states to continue to determine where transmission
lines are routed, but having a mechanism in place
should states fail to site needed facilities; and
allowing for a process to consider broad allocation
of transmission costs.
ITC is optimistic that, as the legislation moves
forward, the cost allocation provisions will be strengthened.
"Members who have opposed broader cost allocation
policies have expressed concern that their states
only pay for specific transmission projects from which
they receive significant benefits," said Plaushin.
"The irony here is that by doing nothing we are ensuring
that those who benefit don't pay. Wind-rich states
are forced to pay an unfair share of costs to upgrade
the transmission system to move power to other states
where it is used. The entire cost allocation process
we have today has a chilling effect not just on transmission
expansion, but on the development of renewable resources
as well. It has to be fixed."
ITC has long advocated for modernizing America's
overburdened electricity grid and recently announced
the development of its "Green Power Express," a network
of extra high voltage transmission lines that will
transport power from wind-abundant areas of the Upper
Midwest to Midwestern and Eastern states that demand
clean, renewable energy. The Green Power Express will
be an integral component to ITC's efforts to create
a high-voltage backbone that can meet America's renewable
energy goals and eliminate costly inefficiencies in
the grid.
"The Green Power Express is a project that will significantly
reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance system reliability
and reduce costs to customers through access to high-capacity,
low-cost wind power," noted President of ITC Grid
Development, Edward Rahill. "The legislation proposed
by the Energy and Natural Resources Committee recognizes
the benefits of unleashing private investment so that
we can develop these kinds of projects."
The Committee is expected to have a final vote on
a comprehensive energy package, including transmission
provisions, before Memorial Day.
About ITC Holdings Corp.
ITC Holdings Corp. (NYSE: ITC) invests in the electricity
transmission grid to improve electric reliability,
improve access to markets, and lower the overall cost
of delivered energy. ITC is the largest independent
electricity transmission company in the country. Through
its subsidiaries, ITCTransmission, Michigan Electric
Transmission Company (METC) and ITC Midwest, ITC operates
contiguous, regulated, high-voltage transmission systems
in Michigan's Lower Peninsula and portions of Iowa,
Minnesota, Illinois and Missouri, serving a combined
peak load in excess of 25,000 megawatts. ITC is also
focused on new areas where significant transmission
system improvements are needed through subsidiaries
ITC Grid Development, ITC Great Plains and ITC Panhandle
Transmission. For more information, please visit: (itc-ITC)
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This press release contains certain statements that
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Because our forward-looking statements are based
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and any or all of our forward-looking statements may
turn out to be wrong. They speak only as of the date
made and can be affected by assumptions we might make
or by known or unknown risks and uncertainties. Many
factors mentioned in this press release and in our
annual and quarterly reports will be important in
determining future results. Consequently, we cannot
assure you that our expectations or forecasts expressed
in such forward-looking statements will be achieved.
Actual future results may vary materially. Except
as required by law, we undertake no obligation to
publicly update any of our forward-looking or other
statements, whether as a result of new information,
future events, or otherwise. (itc-ITC)
SOURCE ITC Holdings Corp.
Originally published by ITC Holdings Corp..
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