Solarbuzz expects major shift in solar PV markets as pipeline outside Europe reaches 25GW - Sept. 20, 2011 - Mark Osborne - - Transmission - Technical Articles - Index - Library - GENI - Global Energy Network Institute

Installed PV capacity in Italy surpasses 16GW

Nov. 07, 2012 - Julia Chan-

Italy has a total of 456,575 grid-connected PV plants currently in operation, benefitting from the country’s Conto Energia V incentive programme, according to figures published by Italian energy agency GSE. Combined, these plants have a total PV capacity of 16.6GW.

Furthermore, the country has 3,620 plants registered for the feed-in tariff, which will add an extra 665MW to the overall PV capacity.

Including the registered PV systems, the annual cost of PV incentives amounts to €6.473 billion (US$8.289 billion). The incentive programme has a cap of €6.7 billion which means that just €227 million remains before the government terminates the solar subsidy for new PV installations.

These government plans to withdraw the incentives were confirmed in its new proposed National Energy Strategy. The document is currently open for consultation.