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Plan Announced to Bring Canadian Hydropower to New England

Oct 22, 2010 - RenewableEnergyWorld.com

New Hampshire, United States A billion-dollar hydropower transmission project has been announced for New Hampshire, designed to bring 1,200 MW of hydroelectric power from Canada.

The city of Franklin, N.H., will be the site of a new converter station for a 140-mile transmission line that will transport renewable power from Canada, media outlets reported.

Construction is expected to create an annual average of 300 to 380 jobs in Franklin over three years, media reports indicate.

Gov. John Lynch said state residents will have the chance to help construct the line and convertor station, for a total of about 1,200 jobs during development.

The project was the result of an agreement among Northeast Utilities - the parent company of Public Service of New Hampshire - NSTAR, and a subsidiary of Hydro-Quebec.

Pending all necessary approvals, project construction is expected to begin in 2013, media reports indicate.