
Video Clips

What If We Choose a New Global Option? GENI !

Video Clips:
  1. Introduction, by John Denver (Running time: 1:06, Size: 780 kb) (click here to read the text of this introduction)
  2. Environment (Time: 0:31, Size: 168 kb)
  3. World Hunger vs. Electricity (Running time: 0:59, Size: 300 kb)
  4. Jobs (Running time: 2:23, Size: 720 kb)
  5. Buckminster Fuller (Running time: 1:23, Size: 1,008 kb)
  6. World Peace (Running time: 0:24, Size: 132 kb)

The full What-If video (Running time: 13:08, Size: 9.2 Mb)

(Click here to download the QuickTime viewer/player.)

Click here to order the What If We Choose GENI video

Unfolding Dymaxion Map

Overview - a quick overview of the GENI project and the information on the GENI web site