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Policy Options: R&D


IEA's R&D priorities for each renewable resource:


  • improved conversion technologies in combustion systems, gasification, liquid fuels, co-firing of biomass wastes in coal-fired generating plants, process modeling, biotechnology

Wind Turbines

  • to drive the cost down there is a need for: better aerodynamic models, new intelligent structures and materials, improved understanding of mechanical loads, more efficient generators and converters, reliable small machines for remote locations and large sea-based machines.

  • to minimize environmental impacts there is a need for: combined land use, visual integration, reduced noise from machines and increased knowledge of effects on flora and fauna.

  • to enable large-scale use there is a need for: improved forecasting of power output, better power quality and hybrid systems, including hybrids with natural gas.


  • improved generators, transmissions and control systems, synergy between hydro and other renewables, quantification of negative externalities

Solar heating and cooling

  • product development, heat storage, integration with energy efficiency and building technologies

Solar concentrating collectors

  • build confidence in technologies through: demonstrations showing reliability, automated operation

  • improve efficiency through: higher design temperatures, hybrid systems with fossil

  • reduce costs through: improved designs, materials and components, extend applications

Solar PV

  • for the short term there is a need to: improve technologies related to current applications such as autonomous systems, building-integrated PV, in-line process controls, balance of systems and crystalline silicon cell and wafer production technologies

  • for the medium term there is need for: improved hybrid systems, distributed generation, thin film and polycrystalline solar cells.

  • for the longer term the main priorities are: technology improvements for large-scale systems, storage in and interaction with grids, higher efficiency and contacting mechanisms and cells, cells made of plastic and other materials, monolithic compounds in PV, and organic cells.


  • modeling tools for design, storage, safety, integrated systems for: production/storage/transport and use, production from sunlight and renewables, fuel cells, hybrid systems.


:Needs for Renewables, IEA