1998 Game Plan
Secure Funding partners (corporate, foundation or individual investors) for:
- GENI Computer Model ($1.6 million)
- "The Powerful Planet" film/documentary ($325,000)
- "Connect 200" International Conference ($500,000)
Communications (as regular as possible) with:
- State of the World Forum delegates (750 people)
- Key world media (150 people)
- Champion prospects (see bottom of the page -- listing the top 22 of 200 proposed people)
- Paid Speaking engagements at government, corporate and trade association meetings
- Mission Earth radio program distributed globally
- GENI Web Site (www.geni.org) enhanced with more graphics and depth of information
- IEEE Panel on "Environmental Impacts of and Potential of HVAC and HVDC
- Peter speaks and GENI Exhibit at Rotary International
Conference (Indianapolis - June)
- IEEE Panel on "Market Forces for Renewable Energy" (San Diego - July) Peter to coordinate
- GENI Exhibit at the World Energy Conference (Houston, TX - September)
- Get the World Game™ sponsored for the INSIGHTS 98 World Conference (San Diego- Oct)
- GENI and the World Game™ are featured at the State of the World Forum (San Fran. - Nov)
- GENI Global Design Team creates global strategies for business leaders and policy-makers
- GENI operating budget is $120,000+
Champions prospect list (listing
the top 22 of 200 proposed people):
Oscar Arias
Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Jimmy Carter
Bill Gates
Al Gore
Aga Khan
Ruud Lubbers
Paul McCartney
Anthony Robbins
Stephen Speilberg
Ted Turner
Percy Barnevick
Walter Cronkite
Mikhail Gorbachev
Lee Iacocca
John Kennedy, Jr
Nelson Mandela
Colin Powell
Stephen Schmidheiny
George Soros
Maurice Strong
Jehan Sadat
Desmond Tutu
or do you know someone of equal or significant stature?
that you can provide an introduction?