GENI Summary for 2007

Marketing: Changing the global conversation regarding renewable energy and the transmission grid

Actively marketed the GENI Initiative and projects; sent monthly GENI-us newsletter, via mail and email. Mailed and/or emailed the appropriate country leaders these intern research papers:

  • Renewable Energy Potential of the Middle East-North Africa vs. the Nuclear Development Option
  • Rural Electrification, Human Development and the Renewable Energy Potential of China
  • Environment and World Religions: What unites us is stronger than our differences
  • Five Renewable Energy Nations (not yet published)
  • Creating Peace Through Use of Renewable Energy Sources (not yet published)
  • Renewable Potential in France - French version (being translated into English)

Mailed and emailed four questions regarding their renewable energy potential to the E8 prior to the World Energy Council conference in Rome in November. That letter was published by the WEC News as "A Wish List for GENI."

Created visualization with San Diego State University Viz Lab with John Graham and Eric Foster based on a large body of global resource data researched by an intern as part of World Resource Simulation Center under development. WRSC proposal completed and submitted to BFI Challenge grant; also presented at Positive Deviant Network, of which GENI is now a supported project. Created partners for GENI Viz and WRSC at the International Symposium on Digital Earth

Wrote articles: "Solving Climate Change - Follow the Money" and "Flip the Energy Matrix Upside-Down" (not yet published). The GENI book has been recorded and is ready to be transcribed.

Have email lists for the following: Global Roundtable on Climate Change (GROCC), UN leadership, Global media and some energy media, Clinton Global Initiative, E8, religion leaders and media, World Economic Forum, and former interns. Updated top 5 leaders of all nations and all multi-lateral organizations.

On our web site, continually update articles on global trends in Renewable Energy Resources and on Transmission grids; have added national grid maps and maps on renewable energy of each region.

Conferences and Affiliations: Taking the GENI Initiative to world and industry leaders

Rotary International in Salt Lake City: GENI exhibited and taped Dr. Tom Setter, a transcription of which became the article, "If We Could Electrify Africa, We Would Eliminate Poverty in a Decade" (September mailing); created the Rotary Peace Fellows project. GENI is featured in green earth issue of The Rotarian.

Attended the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) as member/partner; Coalition of Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES); GROCC as member/partner; International Symposium on Digital Earth; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), coordinating panel session on Digital Earth; Exhibited at WEC with new Viz presentation. Michael Powers presented at the World Energy Forum’s Energy Panel at Stanford and in London.

Administration: Providing the structure and support that make everything else possible

Upgraded hardware (2 Vista computers, scanner, color laser printer, USB video cam), and software (Dragon Naturally Speaking, Dreamerweaver, Macromedia, Adobe Creative Suite, Acrobat 8) and Maximizer license.

Cultivated our intern resource system, which produced 32 interns in 2007.

Transformed GENI web site to new look; have RSS capability pending. We now have 20,000+ unique visitors a month, 1100 GENI-us subscribers. GENI videos are now available on and discussion groups are available on other social networks such as Converted CDROM of "There is no energy crisis" to PowerPoint for the web site.   

Financial: Driving the shift in global investing to fund Renewable Energy and the Interconnected Grids

KLD Global Climate 100 (GC100) now has $250 million invested; GENI gets first partnership contribution. Cal State University San Marcos interns created a marketing plan.  Other interns contacted Socially Responsible Investors (SRI) brokers.  Did face-to-face interview with KLD