GENI Summary for 2008Marketing: Changing the global conversation regarding renewable energy and the transmission gridMarketing: Changing the global conversation regarding Renewable Energy and the Transmission Grid We actively marketed the GENI Initiative and projects; sent monthly GENI-us newsletter, via mail and email; and mailed and/or emailed these intern research papers to appropriate government or country leaders:
We completed an 80 page transcript for the GENI Book. An intern converted the GENI CD, "There is no energy crisis" to a PowerPoint Presentation. July, 2008. Through a project of two GENI interns, we now have a presence on numerous social networking sites, including Facebook and MySpace. August, 2008. As part of World Resource Simulation Center (WRSC) under development, two talented interns completed GENI's first Global Visualization Comparisons of the GENI Initiative in both the Flash version and SDSU’s WMS server version. July & August, 2008. We completed and submitted a revised WRSC proposal to BFI Challenge Grant for the second year. Peter Meisen was invited to debate The Global Energy Crisis on Aug 19 - 29, 2008.
The proposition: "This house believes that we can solve our energy problems with existing technologies today, without the need for breakthrough innovations." Peter debated Joseph Romm and was asked to speak against the proposition. We continue to update articles on global trends in Renewable Energy Resources and on Transmission grids on our website. We have added Energy Issues to our Library. This consolidates Transmission Grid maps, renewable energy information and much more on each country (in progress). Conferences, Tele-seminars and Affiliations: Taking the GENI Initiative to world and industry leaders Peter started the year with a visit, sponsored by Rotary, to In March, Peter attended and exhibited at the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference in DC. We started the "On Fuller Living" tele-seminar series in March as a fund raiser and to draw new traffic to GENI.
Peter attended the Buckminister Fuller Institute launch of the Challenge Grant. June, 2008. GENI coordinated a panel on Digital Earth at the annual meeting of the IEEE in July, 2008 and presented a paper documenting the building of the Global Visualization Comparison mentioned above. Administration: Providing the structure and support that make everything else possible Financial: Driving the shift in global investing to fund Renewable Energy and the Interconnected Grids KLD Global Climate 100 (GC100) now has $300 million invested; GENI continues to get quarterly partnership contributions. Through the work of a regular volunteer, GENI has been rigorously marketing the KLD GC100 Index to institutional investors and the Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) community. |