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World Energy Conference 2007

Subject: WEC day 2 Report

From: "Peter Meisen"
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2007 08:34:33 +0100

How To Change The World From Just 10 Meters Of Space

The GENI exhibit sits in the far corner of the WEC Renewables Hall.  We are across from a huge solar array and electric powered scooters.  While some exhibitors have built small houses to showcase there companies, GENI has designed a multimedia "theater" for guests to view the GENI Visualization we are developing with the SDSU Visualization Lab.  This 12 minute movie begins with the spinning earth in the Earth at Night lighted mode, and travels through each continent featuring layers of population density, transmission grids, and renewable potentials of solar, wind and biomass.  It grabs peoples' attention from around the world.

Today we had guests from the World Bank, the Indian energy sector, World Petroleum Congress, Ministers from Cameroon and Japan, Youth Forum delegates from the Czech Republic, Lithuania, and Romania.  We can tell our story one person at a time, and change the world a bit with each conversation.  I think the most telling comment was from one delegate who said "there's no one else here asking these kind of questions like you are."

The keynote presentation was Jose Barroso of the European Commission, who powerfully stated that climate change is the challenge of our time.  Three years ago at the WEC in Sydney, that issue was still being debated.  No longer.  All companies and delegates are aware and in some agreement that change is happening.  GENI is doing all we can to affect that change.

Peter Meisen

P.S. Visit GENI in Hall 4 Exhibit F32 if you'd like to stop by... We're on page one, in the upper right corner on this site plan tp://