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GENI Connect

An International Conference on the Global Grid Initiative

Sponsorship Brief

From a global perspective, we are faced with daunting challenges as documented in World Resources, 1996-97: the accelerating confluence of population expansion, increased demand for energy, food, clean drinking water, adequate housing, the destructive environmental effects of pollution from fossil fuels and nuclear waste, plus the growing divergence between the haves and have-nots and the potential for ensuing conflicts.

While these problems appear unyielding, there is a solution, one that may not be apparent when addressing each issue in isolation. Looking at the world as a whole system, our research indicates that at the foundation of each problem is the issue of energy, specifically electrical energy, it's source and it's distribution.

For the past decade, Global Energy Network Institute (GENI) has been conducting research and education into a compelling, technologically feasible, global energy strategy that addresses these fundamental issues. Starting with the question how do you provide a quality standard of living for 5.7 billion people and sustain the environment at the same time? , the number one strategy is to interconnect electrical power grids between countries and continents, with an emphasis on linking remote renewable energy resources (wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, tidal and biomass), thereby creating a Global Grid.

According to our research, corroborated by experts around the world, the results and benefits of such a network linking renewable resources are compelling and demonstrable: (See attachment for details).

  • a universal increase in living standards

  • a reduction in pollution from fossil and nuclear fuels

  • a reduction in poverty and world hunger

  • a stabilization of population growth

  • an increase in world trade, cooperation and hence, world peace and security.

The developed regions of the world, Europe, North America, Australia and Japan, already enjoy many benefits of interconnected electrical systems. Sharing this expertise with all nations is critical if we are to correct the dangerous direction in which we, as a planet, are headed.

To accelerate bringing this global energy grid into reality, GENI is developing GENI CONNECT, an International Conference on the Global Grid Initiative. Participation would be by invitation, with approximately 300 - 400 delegates attending.

The goals of GENI CONNECT are as follows:

  • to bring together policy makers, financiers, engineers and environmentalists;
  • to discuss implementation of the large regional networks that are currently under study;
  • to analyze various energy strategies to move from existing conditions to an optimal state for inter-regional systems;
  • to identify the market needs, financial requirements, and political implications of electrical development in the coming decades;
  • to determine if this strategy meets the goals of Earth Summit in Rio, the Population Summit in Cairo, the Social Summit in Copenhagen and Habitat II in Istanbul;
  • to project the potential reduction of greenhouse gases as renewables replace fossil fuel generation.

Working groups would engage in focused study of the following regional networks:

  • Brazil-Paraguay-Argentina-Uruguay network India-China

  • Central American interconnection Middle East, Gulf States Canada-Alaska-Russian Far East Cooperation Council

  • Russia-Japan-N/S Korea-China East Europe-West Europe

  • ASEAN network Central Africa-Europe

Co-chairs for each region are being identified.

Each working group would be responsible for a substantive technical, economic, environmental and sociopolitical report and presentation. Our research shows that the benefits of interconnection are so persuasive, the win-win evidence so clear, that significant success in moving global interconnections forward is highly probable.

It is anticipated that as conference delegates examine the benefits of interconnecting electrical grids across political and regional boundaries linking renewable resources, they will collectively spark the political will to accomplish this project. This has been the missing link despite the economic benefits and technological feasibility evident for the past two decades.

Corporate Sponsorship Levels:

Gold Sponsor $100,000 Special Dinner and Evening Host

Silver Sponsor $50,000 Special Luncheon Host

Bronze Sponsor $25,000 Reception Host

Benefits to Sponsors:

1. Sponsorship is a tax-deduction in the United States.

2. Your Company/Organization will be identified as a sponsor of the International Conference on Electrical Interconnections in all related materials before and during the event, including prominent display of your logo.

3. You will make personal contacts with several hundred invited energy planners and policy makers from every region of the world.

4. Your company's personnel will have direct involvement in planning a comprehensive design strategy of optimal energy systems in every region of the world.

5. You will be working directly with the United Nations, World Bank, development banks and Wall Street financiers on project funding.

6. You will develop personal and working relationships with global environmental organizations and several United Nations departments to facilitate international cooperation of multinational projects.

7. You will enhance your public relations image as you share in the high media coverage anticipated by trade and general public media.

GENI is a non-profit 501(c)(3) education and research corporation. All sponsorship support is tax-deductible in the United States.

The Egyptian Ministry of Energy welcomes the conference to be held in Cairo if it is endorsed by the United Nations.

Draft Budget for GENI Connect

A two year development process is assumed to coordinate this international conference.

Communications - printing, phone/fax, Email, postage  

Conference announcement - design & print 5,000


Telephone/fax/E-mail 25,000


Postage 13,000


World Wide Web Home Page 10,000


Printing of preliminary materials & reports 31,000


Additional printing needs (tbd) 16,000

Travel, lodging, meals:  

Travel - United Nations (3 meetings x 2 people) 5,000


- Cairo* (2 meetings x 4 people) 10,000


Lodging - New York (2 people x 3 days x 3 meetings) 2,500


- Cairo (4 people x 3 days x 2 meetings) 2,500


Travel - 20 people from UN and Conference staff 20,000


Lodging - 20 people for one week in Cairo 10,000


Meals: 400 people x 2 meals x 6 days 50,000

Site Costs* - rent, translators, logistics  

Site rental 25,000


Translators (6 translators x 5 days) 10,000


Site security and logistics support 15,000


In-Country Liason 50,000

Report preparation  

Conference and UN Staff to write 10,000


Printing 10,000


Distribution to delegates 5,000

$ 25,000
Delegate support**  

Travel - delegates from developing countries 25,000


Lodging - delegates from developing countries 5,000

$ 50,000
Conference management (2 people, 2 years)  

Conference Director 60,000


Associate Director 40,000


*The Egyptian Ministry of Energy welcomes the conference to be held in Cairo if it is endorsed by the United Nations. (Site costs are not yet verified).

**Most delegates will cover their own expenses for travel and lodging. This fund is to assist those who may have special needs.
