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With the Matching Grant, your contribution is doubled!

Fund Your Vision of GENI

Thank you for your commitment to make the world work for everyone. Your financial support is critical to GENI.

Your contribution enables the ongoing education, research and advocacy of GENI's global strategy for peace and sustainable development. Your contribution leverages GENI's world-class endorsements, provides credible proof, and catalyzes investment and action among all nations.

Please contribute at a level that is appropriate to your vision of GENI in the world.

Bill Shopoff
GENI Board Member
2004 GENI Capital Campaign

Dear Bill,

G I will talk regularly about the 2004 GENI Capital Campaign.

G Credit Card Giving


G Visa G MasterCard G American Express

Card # _____________________Security Code_____Amount $________

Name on Card: (Print)___________________________Expires ________

All of these donor levels receive our monthly updates!
G Include me as an annual contributor:

G Supporter at $100 or more

G Join "Buck-a-Day for Bucky" ($30/month)

G Emissary at $500 or more

G Ambassador at $1000 or more (GENI 1000 Club)

G Diplomat at $10,000 or more

G Peacemaker at $100,000

G other $___________

G Every month, I will contribute $________ beginning on _______/___/___

G Please contact me to discuss a corporate, personal property or estate gift

G I am giving $_______ for the coming year as follows:

1st payment of $__________ on ____/___/___

2nd payment of $__________ on ____/___/___

3rd payment of $__________ on ____/___/___

4th payment of $__________ on ____/___/___

Monthly payments of $_________ on the ______ of every month

My commitment is for a world of peace, health and prosperity for all.

Name (Please print)________________________________________________


City____________________State_____Postal Code_______ Country_________

Telephone (Home)_____________________(Work)_______________________


G Please make checks payable to: GENI

To be eligible for the Matching Grant, print and return this form to:

GENI Matching Grant Program

1250 6th Ave. Suite 901 San Diego, CA, USA 92101

FAX: 619-595-0403 TEL: 619-595-0139

The GENI Initiative is a tax-exempt, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation

headquartered at The World Trade Center of San Diego

