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"Your Private Sky: The Art of Design Science" by R. Buckminster Fuller

Your Private Sky: The Art of Design Science

Edited by J. Krausse, C. Lichtenstein.

Beautiful museum release of Bucky artifacts. Lots of full-color prints.

As an engineer, a poet; as a designer, a philosopher; as a researcher, an artist — R. Buckminster Fuller established new standards that can be seen as decisive for future-capable design. How to make the world work — to this task, he dedicated his unflagging attention.

Convinced that specialists usually create more problems than they solve, he developed his concepts for a vision of the whole. In addition, in his unique way Fuller inter-linked the fields of architecture, geometry, eningeering, natural science and anthrpology. Catch phrases of our time, like Spaceship Earth, synergetic, or think global, act local — can directly or indirectly be traced back to "Bucky."

This book provides a highly multi-faceted insight into Fuller's world, also showing many of its up-to-now unknown sides.

(Webmaster's Note: This is the most beautiful of the books that GENI has available. A visual delight anywhere you open it. Includes photos of artifacts I have not seen anywhere else.)

Price: $70 | Add to Cart

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