(All documents in reverse chronological order)
GENI Newsletters
GENI Newsletters are published irregularly, and are
often much more like policy / research papers than
newsletters. Alternatively, they may promote a major
GENI event, like the Bucky Centennial Celebration
in 1995.
Fall Quarter, 2004 Best Renewable Energy Policies
from Around the World
(still in print and available
upon request from the GENI office).
- New Interconnection Projects Link Nations
on Every Continent.
- Governments are the key to Renewable Energy
- Enlightened Policies Accelerate Renewable
Energy Commercialization.
- Increase Public R&D Funds.
- Implementing Standards to Promote R&D.
- Creating a competitive energy market through
fiscal incentives.
- Increasing Renewables' Economies of Scale.
- Local Policies.
- Corporate Commitment.
- Capacity Development.
- Kyoto Protocol Insufficient.
- GENI $60,000 Challenge Grant.
- What you can do!
- GENI Support and Products.
Fourth Quarter,
2001 There Is No Energy Crisis
(1.7MB pdf download here and still in print and
available from the GENI office).
- World's Energy Ministers Pledge To...
- The Earth At Night - a Picture of All Humanity
or One.
- There is no energy shortage. There is no energy
crisis. There is a crisis of ignorance.
- Why stay on the path of pollution when the
road to renewables is so clear?
- What can you do? Contribute and Contact.
- GENI Support and Products.
Quarter, 1999 6 Questions towards peace and
sustainable development
(still in print and available
upon request from the GENI office).
- Global Endorsements for the GENI Initiative.
- Linking Electricity for Peace: A Compelling
Global Strategy.
- India Pakistan: from Nuclear Explosions
to Trading Electricity.
- What Can You Do?
- GENI Support & Products: Your Financial
Support is Critical to This Work.
Quarter, 1997 Engineering Peace & Sustainable
- The GRID Initiative: A Compelling Global Strategy.
- International Attention.
- Interlocking electrical grids could save Israelis
and Arabs millions of dollars.
- Why Now? What's the Urgency?
- What Can You Do?
Quarter, 1995 Buckminster Fuller: A Centennial
Symposium & Celebration Rediscovering
the GENIus in Us All
- The World Game: From Conflict to Cooperation.
- Dynamic Seminar Leaders.
- Bucky for Kids Passing It On To The
Next Generation.
- Closing Ceremony: Commitment & Celebration.
- The Global Energy Grid is the World Game's
Highest Priority.
- How Can You Participate?
Quarter, 1995 A Centennial Symposium and Celebration
Rediscovering the GENIus in Us
- Buckminster Fuller on the Global Energy Grid.
- GENI Support and Products.
- Africa-Europe Electrical Interconnection and
Prospects of Worldwide Interconnections.
- Electricity Reduces Population Growth and
Enables Sustainable Development.
- A Buck-A-Day for Bucky.
- Your Invitation To Be A GENI-us.
Quarter, 1994 Connecting the World's Electrical
- True Economic Conversion Buckminster
Fuller's global strategy offers post Cold War
job opportunities.
- Interconnected Renewable Energy is the Future.
- Transmission & Distribution International
- The Society for Computer Simulation Endorses
- My Pledge to Fund the Vision of GENI.
Quarter, 1993 Tapping Remote Renewables
an Opportunity for Transition.
- World Population vs. Energy Demand.
- Current Policies vs. Environmental Driven
- Alternative Energy futures.
- Earth Summit and Climate Change Convention.
- Industrial CO2 Emissions.
- Interconnection of Renewable Energy Resources.
- Call for GENI Computer Simulation Model.
- The Next Steps: From Possibility to Opportunity.
- GENI Milestones.
- GENI Funding Needs - a call for support.
1992 The Potential of an Electrical Interconnection
Between Russia and North America.
- The objecive of this workshop was to explore
a proposal to provide low-cost electrical power
to North America and Russia by linking the two
continents with a high voltage power transmission
line. Energy specialists from both countries
came together in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, for
a workshop to explore the potential for transmitting
electricity between the continents.
1991 GENI's International Workshop in Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada.
- The Workshop's Objective was to appraise the
technical, economic, environmental and sociopolitical
feasibility of international electrical interchange
and its implementation potential on a global
basis, using a group of individuals with diverse
backgrounds and geographical origins including
professionals and concerned citizens.
Letters Written to World Leaders
Opinion Editorials