China to build Qinghai-Tibet electricity
transmission line
May 10, 2008 - BBC Monitoring
China is preparing for the building of a project
to transmit thermal power resources from the
country's northwest to Tibet Autonomous Region
in the southwest to boost local economy.
According to initial plan, the 1,100-kilometre
long electricity transmission line starts from
Golmud in Qinghai Province and ends at Lhasa,
regional capital of Tibet, running in the same
direction as the Qinghai-Tibet railway, said
sources with the National Development and Reform
The transmission line, dubbed as "Qinghai-Tibet
electricity route", is a 500KV power transmission
line, with the first phase project target of
transmitting 6.5 billion kwh annually. The project
is expected to be completed and go into operation
in 2010.
Xue Gengxin, vice president of the Xibei Electric
Power Design Institute, said that the planned
project will be the world's first electricity
transmission line above the 5,000 meter altitude.
He said that his institute has concentrated
on anti-permafrost research in preparation for
the project construction, which is expected
to be finished in June or July this year.
The project can transmit thermal power to meet
Tibet's electricity demand for economic development
as of 2020.
Source: Xinhua news agency, Beijing, in English
0543 gmt 10 May 08