SGCC plans to build mega power carrier in Inner MongoliaDec
16, 2009 - Xinhua State Grid Corp of China(SGCC), a major power grid
operator, plans to build next year an ultra-high volt-age carrier that will transmit
electricity generated by wind and thermal power plants in Inner Mongolia to Jiangsu
Province, China Daily reported Thursday. Work on the 1,300-kilometer
transmission line is prepared to get approval from the government, Shu Yinbiao,
deputy general manager of SGCC told the newspaper. The use of ultra-high
voltage (UHV) technology in this power transmission project would help better
utilize the rich coal mining resources and wind energy in Inner Mongolia, Shu
was quoted as saying so. Power transmission lines employing the UHV technology
can deliver to 1,000 kilovolt. Compared with conventional lines they can transmit
electricity over longer distance and more efficiently, the newspaper said, citing
the analysts. Such advanced technology is sorely needed as electricity
generated by many wind farms in Inner Mongolia cannot be connected to the power
grid at present due to a lack of power transmission capability, resulting in a
large wastage of energy, according to the analysts. SGCC said earlier it
intended to invest 100 billion yuan into the UHV projects over the next three
to four years. China's first UHV power transmission line linking Changzhi
in Shanxi Province to Jingmen in Hubei Province was put into use in January this
year. The line had transmitted nearly 8 billion kilowatt-hour by 15, Dec, according
to the SGCC.