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The GENI-us Letter

GENI announces $60,000 Matching Grant
Major Projects for 2004

Dear GENI Friend,

We are very excited to announce a new challenge grant from the GENI Board of Directors. At our recent meeting, $60,000 was pledged as a match to all new contributions! In other words, your donation gets doubled. That= s good for you and great for GENI.

While most capital campaigns focus on year end, we actually have several major projects that need your support now. Attached is a short list of our major 2004 activities:

  • An exhibit at the World Energy Conference in Sydney, Australia, attended by energy ministers, engineering firms and utility executives from around the world

  • The newsletter "Best Renewable Energy Policies from Around the World" is a 12 page summary of what local, state and national officials can do to encourage this development

  • Production of a one hour documentary/film, "The Powerful Planet". A television feature on public broadcasting, CNN or the BBC would reach millions of people around the world

  • Early development of a renewable energy investment fund. GENI has been researching the growth of this emerging industry and is working to form an investable product for institutional and individual investors.

Each year we get together and ask the simple questions: "What's wanted and needed in the world?" and "What can GENI do to fulfill this?" We look for the "trimtab" where GENI can make an impact using our limited resources and staff.

As an example - the "Best Renewable Energy Policies" newsletter has just been sent to all Presidents, Prime Ministers, UN Ambassadors, Energy and Foreign Ministers from every nation. From this, we expect to see new policy commitments that support renewable energy from many nations this year.

You have been a core partner in this work. GENI provides a credible voice for an initiative that needs continual reinforcement. Your support has helped get us here, and your contribution today will leverage this work. Please consider this invitation to recommit your financial support of GENI.

Please vote with your dollars by contributing to the sustainability of our planet.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter Meisen


P.S. We are excited to announce a $60,000 matching grant from our GENI Board, so all new contributions will be doubled! More on this next month, or call/e-mail for details.

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The Global Energy Network Institute focuses on the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. This strategy is the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller three decades ago.

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