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The GENI-us Letter

Russia, China, Korea, Lebanon - important grid links receive little attention

Dear GENI Friend,

Today's headlines bombard us with Katrina & Rita hurricane damage, Iraq bombings, Darfur refugees and high oil prices. These are issues that affect us all, and focus our attention on the news which is often laced with heartache.

Yet below the radar of most people are a growing number of positive reports that provide balance. Bilateral high-voltage interconnections take years of discussion, engineering and economic justification. These cross-border links are significant and deserve equal notice:

A decade ago, these headlines were unthinkable! You'll recall that from the World Game simulation, Buckminster Fuller stated that linking electric grids around the world is "the planet's highest priority objective." For many years, GENI has been hosting expert panels, exhibiting at UN and world energy conferences, publishing reports and gathering endorsements. Leading up to the United Nations Millennium Summit last month, GENI again mailed this solution to the top five leaders of all 190 UN member states. The key equation to remember:

Renewable Energy + Transmission = Sustainable Development

The trade of electricity fosters cooperation and peace between neighbors. Transmission lines enable nations to tap abundant renewable energy resources that are often far from cities and industry. We continue to press this strategy between all nations, and ask you to share the good news with your colleagues so we can build upon these successes. Your support does matter.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter Meisen


p.s. The Matching Grant Program from our GENI Board is continuing, so all new contributions will be doubled! Call or e-mail for details.

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The Global Energy Network Institute focuses on the interconnection of electric power networks between nations and continents, with an emphasis on tapping abundant renewable energy resources. This strategy is the highest priority of the World Game simulation developed by Dr. Buckminster Fuller three decades ago.

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