
Library >> Current Articles on Renewable Energy Resources and Transmission >> Hydrogen

Articles on Hydrogen

  • UK wave and tidal has huge potential – needs government backing
    Feb 23, 2012 - Kari Williamson - renewableenergyfocus.com

    With the largest wave and tidal resources in Europe, up to 20% of the UK' electricity could eventually come from marine renewables, and developing a thriving wave and tidal industry could bring economic benefits to the UK, the committee says.

  • Wind, Water, and Solar Power for the World
    Oct 20, 2011 - Mark Delucchi - spectrum.ieee.org

    We don’t need nuclear power, coal, or biofuels. We can get 100 percent of our energy from wind, water, and solar (WWS) power. And we can do it today—efficiently, reliably, safely, sustainably, and economically.

  • Integrating renewable energy
    May 08, 2011 - Phil Carson - intelligentutility.com

    NREL effort seeks to convert wind and sun to hydrogen

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Keywords: Renewable Energy Resources, Library, Articles on Future Fuels-Policy, sustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace, zero population growth, stabilization, life expectancy, infant mortality, free world energy trends, deforestation, climate change, global warming, world game, uhv, hvdc, hvac