![]() 26 August 1996 Republican National Convention / US Ambassador to the UN, Madeleine Albright / Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs, Tim WirthDear GENI Friend, In the past two months in San Diego, we've had international visitors and global attention. * The GENI Initiative was personally given to Vice President Al Gore last month and to Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich last week during the Republish National Convention. * The US Ambassador to the United Nations Madeleine
Albright received GENI information at a recent * Attached is a response to our material sent to Tim Wirth, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs. He is advisor to Secretary of State Christopher on all international issues dealing with environment, population and development. With proposals to these and others, we are looking both for a GENI Champion and for support for GENI projects. We intend these examples to inspire your own initiative to meet key VIPs when they visit your area. Thank you for your response to our call for selection of GENI Champions. We have yet another opportunity for your welcome participation. We invite you to submit referrals of people with whom you want to share The GENI Initiative, especially others like yourself who can make a difference financially. We have had an effective campaign of this nature with our Board of Directors and want to extend this to you. We will send a letter of introduction to GENI, followed by a phone call, using your name as a referrer. Recently, we had a great opportunity to educate the public about the benefits of electrical system integration. The power failure last week of the Pacific Intertie, which supplies power to 15 Western States, caused widespread upset and demands for answers. The attached editorial gave an excellent summary and lends more validation to The GENI Initiative. One important realization is that a power loss to us in the developed world is mostly an inconvenience. Power is normally restored within a few hours. For the 2 billion people in developing nations who have no electricity, life hangs in the balance. They are eager for just a simple light bulb. Thank you for your continued financial support. Your assistance has been vital in this search for a spokesperson and sustaining financial support. In partnership for the planet,
Keywords : Republican National Convention / US Ambassador to the UN, Madeleine Albright / Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs, Tim Wirth sustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace, zero population growth. GENI is a U.S. Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation committed to improving the quality of life for everyone without damage to the planet. GENI Affiliates in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and United States.
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