25 February 2000 "Grid connection the key to cooperation" in Middle EastDear GENI Friend, Ten years ago, we were going to co-host an international energy meeting in Kuwait on the economic, environmental and social benefits of power system integration. Then Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait so our conference was moved to Winnipeg, Canada. The results of those discussions are finally bearing fruit in the Middle East. Joe Falcon, past President of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers participated in the Winnipeg event and eventually became a GENI Board Member out of his commitment to this vision for the world. Last week, Joe forwarded the Middle East Market Report which indicates their renewed commitment to energy system cooperation. The final paragraph highlights what we have been
promoting for years: Equally exciting is the upcoming trio of event meetings
in San Diego: Thank you for keeping this vision alive. The pieces
seem to be falling into place for this In partnership for the planet, Peter Meisen p.s. The Bucky Fuller one-man play info is one the web: www.sandiegorep.com/bucky.htm
Keywords : Grid connection - the key to cooperation in Middle East, which indicates their renewed commitment to energy system cooperation. World Game, global energy network institute, zero population growth, stabilization, life expectancy, infant mortality, free world energy trends, deforestation, climate change, global warming, world game, uhv, hvdc, hvac
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