Library - Library, Global Energy Network Institute, ABCnews,Acorn Letter, The Advertiser, Africa Renewal, Albuquerque Journal, Ameinfo, ASEAnews, Asia Engineer, Asia Pulse, Austin Chronicle, Bahrain Tribune, Bakutoday, Baltic Times, BBC World news, Bernama,Birmingham Post, The Boston Globe, Bussiness In Afirca Online, Bussiness Week Online, Bussinesswire, Bulletin of science, Technology and Society, Cal Tech news, Cambio, Chemistry and Industry, China Daily, Clean Edge news, Climatesolution, CNN, Columbia Daily Spectator, Contra Costa Time, Coronado Eagle and Journal, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Csmonitor,
Csrwire, Daily star, Decisioncraft, Earth Policy Institute, Earth Times Earthvision, The Economist, Electricite de France, Emagazine, Energy for you, Financial Times, Forbes, Galveston County Daily news, Gatech, Globe and Mail, GreenBiz, The Guardian, Guernsey Press and Star Helsinginsanomat, Houston Cronicle, IEEE Power Engineering Review, IEEE the Institute, industrialinfo, Insnet, Jim Cathcartabout 9-11-2001, Kansas City Star, Los Angeles Times, MAweb, Mehrnews, Michaelppowers, New Orlans City Business, New Scientist, New Zealand Herald, Newsweek, New York Times, North County Times, Novisti, Orlando Sentinal, People's Daily Online, Physicstoday, Planetark, Planet Ark, Power Generation Technology, Power Egineering, Redherring, Renewable Energy Focus, RenewableEnergyAccess, Reuters, Rise University, Sacramento Bee, San Diego Business Journal, San Diego CityBEAT, San Diego Earth Times, San Diego Union Tribune, San Francisco Cjronicle, San Francisco Gate, Seattle Times, SIEPR, Simulation, Slate msn, SolarAccess, Southeast European Times, Sparkdata, The Star, ST Petersburg Times, The Straits Times, Sustain, Sustainable Energy Industry Journal, TehranTimes, The Observer, The New Hampshire news, TidelPool, Truthout, United Nations Development Programs, United States Department of Energy Association, USA Today, Voanews, Wall Street Journal, Washinton Post, Wbcsd, Wired, World Bank World Citizen news, World Peace Heraid, World Watch Institute, Xinhau news Agency, Xtramsn

Media Coverage

GENI has collected a series of articles relating to GENI and its mission from publications in many languages and countries, including: | Acorn Letter | The Advertiser | Africa Renewal | Albuquerque Journal | | | ASEAN News | Asia Engineer | Asia Pulse | Associated Press | Austin Chronicle

Bahrain Tribune | | Baltic Times | BBC World News | | | Birmingham Post (UK) | The Boston Globe | | Business In Africa Online | Business Week Online | | Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society

CalTech News | Cambio | Chemistry and Industry | China Daily | Clean Edge News | | CNN | Columbia Daily Spectator | Contra Costa Times | Coronado Eagle & Journal | Corvallis Gazette-Times | |

Daily Star |

Earth Policy Institute | Earth Times | | The Economist | Electricite de France | | Energy for You | 18th World Energy Congress | Energy Central | Energy Online Daily News | | Environment News Service

Financial Times | Forbes | Foreign Affairs

Galveston County Daily News | | Globe & Mail | | The Guardian | Guernsey Press and Star | Houston Chronicle

IEEE Power Engineering Review | IEEE The Institute | |

Jim Cathcart about 9-11-2001

Kansas City Star

Los Angeles Times | | |

New Orleans City Business | New Scientist | New Zealand Herald | Newsweek | New York Times | North County Times | Novosti

Orlando Sentinal

People's Daily Online | | | | Power Generation Technology | Power Engineering | Renewable Energy Focus (formerlyRefocus Weekly) | | | Reuters | Rice University

Sacramento Bee | San Diego Business Journal | San Diego CityBEAT | San Diego Earth Times | San Diego Union Tribune | San Fancisco Chronicle | San Francisco Gate | Seattle Times | SIEPR | The Benefits Of An Electron Superhighway | Simulation | | | Southeast European Times (SETimes) | | The Star | St. Petersburg Times | The Straits Times | Sustain, Newsletter of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development | Sustainable Energy Industry Journal | The Observer | The New Hampshire News | TidePool | Transmission and Distribution International | TruthOut | Truth Seeker, The Journal of Independent Thought

United Nations Development Program (UNDP) | United States Department of Energy | United States Energy Association

USA Today |

Wall Street Journal | Washington Post | | Wired | World Bank | World Citizen News | World Peace Herald | World Watch Institute

Xinhau News Agency |

Overview - Library, Global Energy Network Institute, ABCnews,Acorn Letter, The Advertiser, Africa Renewal, Albuquerque Journal, Ameinfo, ASEAnews, Asia Engineer, Asia Pulse, Austin Chronicle, Bahrain Tribune, Bakutoday, Baltic Times, BBC World news, Bernama,Birmingham Post, The Boston Globe, Bussiness In Afirca Online, Bussiness Week Online, Bussinesswire, Bulletin of science, Technology and Society, Cal Tech news, Cambio, Chemistry and Industry, China Daily, Clean Edge news, Climatesolution, CNN, Columbia Daily Spectator, Contra Costa Time, Coronado Eagle and Journal, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Csmonitor,
Csrwire, Daily star, Decisioncraft, Earth Policy Institute, Earth Times Earthvision, The Economist, Electricite de France, Emagazine, Energy for you, Financial Times, Forbes, Galveston County Daily news, Gatech, Globe and Mail, GreenBiz, The Guardian, Guernsey Press and Star Helsinginsanomat, Houston Cronicle, IEEE Power Engineering Review, IEEE the Institute, industrialinfo, Insnet, Jim Cathcartabout 9-11-2001, Kansas City Star, Los Angeles Times, MAweb, Mehrnews, Michaelppowers, New Orlans City Business, New Scientist, New Zealand Herald, Newsweek, New York Times, North County Times, Novisti, Orlando Sentinal, People's Daily Online, Physicstoday, Planetark, Planet Ark, Power Generation Technology, Power Egineering, Redherring, Renewable Energy Focus, RenewableEnergyAccess, Reuters, Rise University, Sacramento Bee, San Diego Business Journal, San Diego CityBEAT, San Diego Earth Times, San Diego Union Tribune, San Francisco Cjronicle, San Francisco Gate, Seattle Times, SIEPR, Simulation, Slate msn, SolarAccess, Southeast European Times, Sparkdata, The Star, ST Petersburg Times, The Straits Times, Sustain, Sustainable Energy Industry Journal, TehranTimes, The Observer, The New Hampshire news, TidelPool, Truthout, United Nations Development Programs, United States Department of Energy Association, USA Today, Voanews, Wall Street Journal, Washinton Post, Wbcsd, Wired, World Bank World Citizen news, World Peace Heraid, World Watch Institute, Xinhau news Agency, Xtramsn

keyterms: Library, GENI, ABCnews, Acorn Letter, The Advertiser, Africa Renewal, Albuquerque Journal, Ameinfo, ASEAnews, Asia Engineer, Asia Pulse, Austin Chronicle, Bahrain Tribune, Bakutoday, Baltic Times, BBC World news, Bernama, Birmingham Post, The Boston Globe, Bussiness In Afirca Online, Bussiness Week Online, Bussinesswire, Bulletin of science, Technology and Society, Cal Tech news, Cambio, Chemistry and Industry, China Daily, Clean Edge news, Climatesolution, CNN, Columbia Daily Spectator, Contra Costa Time, Coronado Eagle and Journal, Corvallis Gazette-Times, Csmonitor, Csrwire, Daily star, Decisioncraft, Earth Policy Institute, Earth Times Earthvision, The Economist, Electricite de France, Emagazine, Energy for you, Financial Times, Forbes, Galveston County Daily news, Gatech, Globe and Mail, GreenBiz, The Guardian, Guernsey Press and Star Helsinginsanomat, Houston Cronicle, IEEE Power Engineering Review, IEEE the Institute, industrialinfo, Insnet, Jim Cathcartabout 9-11-2001, Kansas City Star, Los Angeles Times, MAweb, Mehrnews, Michaelppowers, New Orlans City Business, New Scientist, New Zealand Herald, Newsweek, New York Times, North County Times, Novisti, Orlando Sentinal, People's Daily Online, Physicstoday, Planetark, Planet Ark, Power Generation Technology, Power Egineering, Redherring, Renewable Energy Focus, RenewableEnergyAccess, Reuters, Rise University, Sacramento Bee, San Diego Business Journal, San Diego CityBEAT, San Diego Earth Times, San Diego Union Tribune, San Francisco Cjronicle, San Francisco Gate, Seattle Times, SIEPR, Simulation, Slate msn, SolarAccess, Southeast European Times, Sparkdata, The Star, ST Petersburg Times, The Straits Times, Sustain, Sustainable Energy Industry Journal, TehranTimes, The Observer, The New Hampshire news, TidelPool, Truthout, United Nations Development Programs, United States Department of Energy Association, USA Today, Voanews, Wall Street Journal, Washinton Post, Wbcsd, Wired, World Bank World Citizen news, World Peace Heraid, World Watch Institute, Xinhau news Agency, Xtramsn