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Wind Energy Potential in Germany

Annual mean wind velocity and energy output

The first values represent the annual mean wind velocity (in m/s) and the second values the energy output that could be obtained by a conventional turbine (in % of the output at a wind velocity of 5 m/s). For an installation of 600 kW and a rotor diameter of 44 m, an output of 100 % corresponds to 730'000 kWh.

On some islands and some coastal regions of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea the wind velocity is adequate for the installation of conventional wind power plants. In the Center and South of the country some isolated regions can probably also be used for such installations.

The map has been published by "Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien" (IWR). The figures for energy output have been obtained from: "Planung von Windenergieanlagen. Leitfaden für die Schweiz – Bausteine einer Windenergie-Strategie", of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, CH.


Wind Energy by Region

see following link to get information about wind energy as well as statistics for the Federal States (Bundesländer):



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BWE (German Wind Energy Association)
www.erneuerbare-energien.de (BMU)

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