

There Is No Energy Crisis (pdf 2.7 MB)

Flash Animations by Scott Schleiger:

Energy is Vital to Our Quality of Life (66kB)
Income Distribution Varies Greatly (13kB)
Energy Use is Rapidly Increasing (8kB)
Pollution from Non-renewable Energy Sources (15kB)
A Solution to Global Problems (200kB)
Energy Needs Vary with Time (94kB)

(Based on GENI Animation by Russ Hoffman)

HTML Graphics

Preview for GENI CD distributed 1990-2001, that includes the GENI Animation from the Animated Software Company, and copies of technical articles from the online Library.

GENI Overhead Presentation by Marv Lyons (circa 1997):

MS Powerpoint/IE 5.0 Slideshow (viewer created May, 2000 by Sayed Hasan)

GENI Overhead Presentation Slides by Walt Venable / Marv Lyons (circa 1995):

Presentation Slides for 1994 GENI Presentation at Society for Computer Simulation Conference, Tempe, AZ, by Walt Venable:

  • Blue Beauty Slideshow (right click on this link and download to your hard drive to view this slideshow)

Printable Graphics

Dymaxion Map with Population and proposed Electricity Grid (8½ in x 11 in —339k)

Electricity/Water connection in California (pdf)

This informative poster illustrates and explains how water and electricity are connected in San Diego County, how water is supplied to the arid San Diego region, and how much energy is required to do so. Also includes energy saving tips and a map of California showing aqueducts and electric distribution lines. Graphic illustration produced by Paul Horn,

NASA's Earth at Night

Here is GENI's version of NASA's earth-at-night picture in GIF format (2400x1300 pixels) (945 kb). It prints best with legal size (8.5" x 14") paper.

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Unfolding Dymaxion Map