
Here you will find a pdf PowerPoint version
of There is No Energy Crisis, individual
Flash Animations and GENI Overhead Presentation
Slides (from 1997, 1995, 1994). These clarify
why GENI is so important for your region and
the world.
Videos (with YouTube links)
Here you will find selected issues visualized
on Google Earth. Currently those issues are
climate change, deforestation and world oil
consumption. More will be added. Stay tuned.
- Global Resources/Global Issues Visualization
- The Tres Amigas Superstation Project
- Emergence of the Next World Wide Web (pdf)
- Quicktime animation of folding/unfolding satellite
Dymaxion Map by Chris Rywalt.
- HTML/Flash version of the GENI Story Animation
by Russ Hoffman.
- Flash version of Pat Chipman's original "DYMAXION
IMPACT" 1991 animation.
- Several Flash animations are provided courtesy
of Scott Schleiger.
Several animations illustrate how geothermal,
solar, tidal and wind technologies work.
MP3 audios of the GENI Story.
Links to the GENI GIS Maps, News Stories, and
Research Papers.
