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Archived Proposals
This will quantify the economic, environmental,
and social benefits of developing remote renewable
energy sources and linking them to population
centers via long distance electrical transmission
lines. It will demonstrate that GENI represents
an optimal sustainable energy solution for the
world by comparing our projections to those produced
by the World Energy Council (WEC) and others.
For the President, Prime Minister, Energy Minister,
and Decision-Makers. For people and organizations
dealing with: Environmental, Development, Population,
and Peace Issues. For business and trade groups
in the: Fossil Fuel, Renewables, and Transmission
industries. Questions for Financial Decision-Makers
This proposal for a one hour documentary film
will highlight the genius of Buckminster Fuller
and the original critical thinking
from the World Game simulation. Linking the power
systems between nations and regions will be featured.
The viewer will realize a fundamental paradigm
shift in thinking, from a belief
in energy scarcity to an awareness of abundance.
Why hold another International Conference? Electrical
interconnections between countries and regions
go far beyond energy transfer. It bears directly
on pollution and global warming, the population
explosion, environmental degradation, poverty
and world hunger, and international trade/global
economic prosperity. Interconnections affect the
quality of life, as measured by infant mortality,
longevity, clean water and literacy. Fundamentally,
electrical interconnection between countries and
regions has everything to do with world peace
and stability.
It is anticipated that as conference delegates
examine the benefits of interconnecting electrical
grids across political and regional boundaries
linking renewable resources, they will collectively
spark the political will to accomplish
this project. This has been the missing link despite
the economic benefits and technological feasibility
evident for the past two decades.