Projects > News > What's New
What's New
- Through a project of two GENI interns, we now
have a presence on numerous social bookmaking sites,
including Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. August,
- Two very talented interns completed GENI's first
Visualization Comparisons of the GENI Initiative
in both the Flash version and on the GENI WMS server.
July & August, 2008.
- An industrious intern completed a project on the
Energy Potential of Small Island Nations. August,
- The GENI CD, "There
is no energy crisis," has been converted
to a PowerPoint Presentation by a very talented
intern. July, 2008.
- GENI coordinated a panel on Digital Earth at the
annual meeting of the IEEE in July, 2008.
- Through the work of a regular volunteer, GENI
has been rigourously marketing the KLD GC100 Index
to institutional investors and the SRI community.
- Peter attended the Buckminster
Fuller Institute launch of the Challenge Grant.
GENI had submitted it's proposal and was not selected.
June, 2008
- An intern from Germany, originally from Afghanistan,
completed a report on the Rurual
Electrification in Afghanistan. March, 2008.
- GENI started the "On
Fuller Living" teleseminar series in March, 2008.
- Peter attended and exhibited at WIREC in March,
- Peter visited TATA in India and visited the Tata
Energy Research Institute (directed by Rajendra
Pachauri, Chairman of the UN IPCC) and presented
the GENI Iniative in January, 2008.
- World Energy Conference 2007
- Member Exclusive page