News - What's New, Renewable Energy On Tribal Lands, Presidential Candidates Energy Policies Compared,, Buckminster Fuller Institute, Electrification in Afghanistan, On Fuller Living, World Energy Conference 2007

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What's New

  • Renewable Energy - Edited by T J Hammons
    Apr 5, 2010 -

    GENI had a hand in several of these chapters, and hosted several panel sessions that became part of the book.
    Tom Hammons gets a lot of the credit for seeing this project to completion.

  • An interimly completed project is available for viewing in our Library under 'Energy Issues.' The page brings together the electricity grid, renewable energy potential, Millennium Development Goals statistics and electricity statistics for 30 countries. This includes the ten most populous countries of the world.

  • In early June, we brought together 46 leaders in GIS mapping and comprehensive thinking to test out the concept and process of collaborative decision-making on global issues in an immersive, visual environment. Read about the event.

  • GENI marketed to federal officials dealing with Native American Lands a research paper on Renewable Energy On Tribal Lands in May, 2009.

  • A group of students at Cal State University San Marcos completed a project entitled Presidential Candidates Energy Policies Compared in Dec, 2008

  • Peter Meisen was invited to debate The Global Energy Crisis on Aug 19 - 29, 2008

    The proposition: "This house believes that we can solve our energy problems with existing technologies today, without the need for breakthrough innovations." Peter debated Joseph Romm and was asked to speak against the proposition.
  • Through a project of two GENI interns, we now have a presence on numerous social bookmaking sites, including Facebook, MySpace and Twitter. August, 2008.

  • Two very talented interns completed GENI's first Global Visualization Comparisons of the GENI Initiative in both the Flash version and on the GENI WMS server. July & August, 2008.

  • An industrious intern completed a project on the Renewable Energy Potential of Small Island Nations. August, 2008.

  • The GENI CD, "There is no energy crisis," has been converted to a PowerPoint Presentation by a very talented intern. July, 2008.

  • GENI coordinated a panel on Digital Earth at the annual meeting of the IEEE in July, 2008.

  • Through the work of a regular volunteer, GENI has been rigourously marketing the KLD GC100 Index to institutional investors and the SRI community.

  • Peter attended the Buckminster Fuller Institute launch of the Challenge Grant. GENI had submitted it's proposal and was not selected. June, 2008

  • An intern from Germany, originally from Afghanistan, completed a report on the Rurual Electrification in Afghanistan. March, 2008.

  • GENI started the "On Fuller Living" teleseminar series in March, 2008.

  • Peter attended and exhibited at WIREC in March, 2008.

  • Peter visited TATA in India and visited the Tata Energy Research Institute (directed by Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman of the UN IPCC) and presented the GENI Iniative in January, 2008.

  • World Energy Conference 2007

  • Member Exclusive page