Breakthroughs in Policy

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Articles on Breakthroughs in Technology Policy

  • US EPA proposes first carbon pollution standard for new power plants
    March 28, 2012 - Diarmaid Williams -

    Following a 2007 Supreme Court ruling, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today proposed the first Clean Air Act standard for carbon pollution from new power plants.

  • World Bank to Help Cities Control Climate Change
    Jul 13, 2011 - Alexei Barrionuevo -

    SÃO PAULO, Brazil — The World Bank signed an agreement on Wednesday with mayors from 40 of the world’s biggest cities to work on technical and financial assistance for projects to minimize the effects of climate change.

  • California Regulators OK Major Greenhouse Gas Rules
    Dec 27, 2010 - Jason Dearen - Associated Press -

    California regulators on Thursday approved the first system in the nation to give polluting companies such as utilities and refineries financial incentives to emit fewer greenhouse gases.

  • A Novel Tactic in Climate Fight Gains Some Traction
    Nov 09, 2010 - John M. Broder - New York Times

    WASHINGTON — With energy legislation shelved in the United States and little hope for a global climate change agreement this year, some policy experts are proposing a novel approach to curbing global warming: including greenhouse gases under an existing and highly successful international treaty ratified more than 20 years ago.

  • NZ government introduces legislation to ban power plants that burn fossil fuel
    Dec 4, 2007 - Ray Lilley - The Associated Press

    WELLINGTON, New Zealand - New Zealand introduced legislation Tuesday to ban new power plants that burn fossil fuels for a decade, winning plaudits from environmental activists.

  • UHV: New Technology Promises to Help Deliver Future Energy Demands
    Aug 3, 2007 - PRNewswire

    The leading experts in the field of Ultra High Voltage or UHV are to begin defining the technical and safety specifications for this promising new technology that is set to help deliver the world's increased electrical energy demands. Ultra High Voltage could offer a solution to the need for more electricity in a space-restricted world. Countries active in this technology include Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, Russia and the USA.

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Keywords: Renewable Energy Resources, Library, Articles on Breakthroughs in Technology Policy, sustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace, zero population growth, stabilization, life expectancy, infant mortality, free world energy trends, deforestation, climate change, global warming, world game, uhv, hvdc, hvac