The Buckminster Fuller Annual
Memorial Lecture - 1997
United States International University
presentation by Peter Meisen
President, Global Energy Network Institute
(Introduction: I found many of Bucky's writings
to be pivotal in my education . So I decided to piece
together those words that have had an tremendous impact
on my life -- and read them for you -- as if Bucky
were here. I think you will forever see the world
in a whole new way.))
Specialist verses Comprehensivist
I thought her essay, Women in the
Nineteenth Century, was so important that I published
it in my book, Ideas and Tensegrities. When
I heard that Aunt Margaret said, I
must start with the universe and work down to the
parts, I must have an understanding of it, that
became a great drive for me. I saw that in my education
I was being pushed to be a specialist - everybody
is being pushed to specialize, to where they can't
be synergetic and can only know about the parts instead
of the whole - I switched very vigorously; very deliberately,
I became a comprehensivist.
Global Thinking and Planning
I was then sent to the United Stated Navy Academy.
Then I became involved in the great transport operations
that moved millions of people and supplies across
the oceans of the world. This got me to thinking very
big. I found the Navy was thinking in terms of the
total world, of global planning, and that was an extraordinary
experience for me.
Food for Humanity
When I came out of the Navy I went into Armour and
Co.'s great packing house. They made me assistant
export manager. I began thinking about the total foods
of humanity around the world. You see how by this
comprehensive anticipatory way of looking at things
and thinking about the total needs of total man, I
came a few years later to invent the words, Spaceship
Earth . Because I began to think about the total
planet as being as beautifully designed and equipped
as a ship.
Think for Yourself
Anne came from a large family; she was the oldest
of ten children. Her father, James Monroe Hewlett,
was a prominent architect and he introduced me to
the world of architecture. For the first time I met
people who were building on the land. And for the
first time there was a father again, who said to me,
Don't pay attention to what people
say. What you think is the most important thing. Pay
attention to your own thoughts.
Commit to Humanity
I had good cause with our first child to feel that
children are endowed with a great deal more than many
of us know, that every child may be born a genius
but may simply be degeniused at an early age because
parents and environment lack the ability to recognize
these faculties. I said, I'm really
going to give the rest of my life to the new young
life. I pledged, both to the daughter who died
and to the daughter now born, that I was committing
myself to humanity.
Individual Initiative
I said, What can a little man effect
toward such realizations in the face of the formidable
power of great corporations, great states, and all
their know-how, guns, monies, armies, tools and information?
Then, self-answering: The individual
can take initiatives without anybody's permission.
Only individuals can think, and can look for the principles
manifest in their experiences that others may be overlooking
because they are too preoccupied with how to please
some boss or with how to earn money, how to take care
of today's bills. Only the individual disregards his
fears and commits himself exclusively to reforming
the human environment by developing tools that deal
more effectively and economically with evolutionary
challenges. Humans can participate -consciously and
competently - in fundamental ways, to changes that
are more favorable to human life. It became evident
that the individual was the only one that could deliberately
find the time to think in a cosmically adequate manner.
Fifty Year Experiment
This was to be a fifty year experiment to prove that
man, like nature, was not a failure but a success;
to rethink everything I knew. It was an experiment
in which I myself was the guinea pig. I had to begin
from the beginning. I had to find out what man has
and see how it can be used for the advantage of others.
I became convinced that we're here for each other.
Once I'd committed myself to that kind of program
I had to expand what I'd already learned by a great
deal, and unlearn a great deal that I had been taught
was so that I'd found out was not so. And that was
the most difficult discipline I took on. I scarcely
spoke at all for two years. I couldn't be completely
free of words, but my wife had to talk to people for
me. I didn't want to say anything, make any sounds,
until I was pretty sure what those sounds meant and
why I wanted to use them. I had to make a complete
disconnect in order to start my own thinking.
Reform Environment
I said, How do we find out how to
use our minds and experience to the highest advantage
of others in the shortest possible time? That
was the challenge. Out of this then, in due course,
came a great many designs, because I said to myself,
I must commit myself to reforming
the environment and not man; being absolutely confident
that if you give man the right environment, he will
behave favorably. By employing the kinds of capabilities
used in building a battleship, you do more with less.
I'm convinced that by more with lessing we could take
care of everybody and there need not be any suffering
around the world.
Man An Extraordinary Success
I decided man was operating on a fundamental fallacy:
that man was supposed to be a failure and therefore
had to prove his right to live. Each man then said,
I must show I can earn my living,
and let other people go die. I decided the fallacy
was that man was, in fact, designed to be an extraordinary
success. His characteristics were just magnificent;
what was needed was to discover the comprehensive
patterns operating in the universe. The universe is
a success. How could metaphysical man, using his mind,
master the physical? Clearly, the possibility of a
good life for any man depends upon the possibility
of realizing it for all men I must be able to convert
the resources of the earth, doing more with less,
until I reach a point where we can do so much as to
be able to service all men in respect to all their
World Game
I review planetary resources in terms of today's
gained know-how, to see whether there's any way we
might be able to do much more with much less, to be
able to take care of everybody. All political systems
and wars based on scarcity would become obsolete.
World Gaming is played, not like checkers against
an enemy but against ignorance, inertia, and fear.
The World Game proves that John Von Neumann's theory
of war gaming, which holds that one side or the other
must ultimately die, either by war or starvation,
is invalid and offers a heretofore unconsidered alternative
way to play the war game in which, as in mountain
climbing, the object is to find all the moves by which
the whole field of climbers would win as each helped
the other so that everyone reached the mountaintop
successfully. I think of my World Game as a way to
bypass politics, human ignorance, prejudice, and war
and put the facts before man and the whole world to
try to deal with them coherently. We have never so
far made the attempt to take our collective destiny
into our own hands, and shape it.
Malthus is Wrong
It could be, I thought to myself, that Malthus is
really not pertinent today because he didn't know,
for instance, that we were going to have refrigeration.
I said, What else did Malthus leave
out? I began to inventory the many discoveries
that were not available to him in 1810: there was
no modern technology at all; no refrigeration; no
production steel; no electromagnetics. He left out
doing more with less. In 1917 I began to realize we
actually had the possibility of doing so much with
so little and might be able to take care of all humanity
at the highest standard of living anyone has ever
experienced, and to do it by 1985. And if we did that,
the whole raison d'etre of war would disappear
Be a Trimtab
I would never try to reform man - that's much too
difficult. What I would do was to try to modify the
environment in such a way as to get man moving in
preferred directions. It's like the principle of a
ship's rudder, which is something I thought a lot
about as a boy here on Bear Island. The interesting
thing about a rudder is that the ship has already
gone by, all but the stern; and you throw the rudder
over, and what you're really doing is making a little
longer distance for the water to go round. In other
words, you're putting a low pressure on the other
side, and the low pressure pulls the whole stern over
and she takes a new direction. The same in an airplane
- you have this great big rudder up there, with a
little tiny trim tab on the trailing edge; and by
moving that little trim tab to one side or the other,
you throw a low pressure that moves the whole airplane.
And so I said to myself, I'm just
an individual, I don't have any capital to start things
with, but I can learn how to throw those low pressures
to one side or the other, and this should make things
go in preferred directions, and, while I can't reform
man, I just may be able to improve his environment
a little. But in order to build up those low pressures
I'm going to have to really know the truth. The
child is really the trim tab of the future.
150 Admirals
I do know that technologically humanity now has the
opportunity, for the first time in it's history, to
operate our planet in such a manner as to support
and accommodate all humanity at a substantially more
advanced standard of living than any humans have ever
experienced. This is possible not because we have
found more physical resources. We have always had
enough resources. What has happened that now makes
the difference is that we have vastly increased our
know-how of specialized innovations, all of which
invisible realization integrates to make possible
success for all. I also know that this can be realized
only by a technological revolution involving total
Spaceship Earth, using all the resources and know-how
as an integrated regenerative system, as in the design
of any successful seagoing ship or any biological
Spaceship Earth now has 150 admirals. The five admirals
in the staterooms immediately above the ship's fuel
tanks claim that they own the oil. The admirals with
staterooms surrounding the ship's kitchen, dining
rooms, and food refrigerators claim they own all the
food. Those with a stateroom next to a lifeboat claim
that they own the lifeboat, and so forth. They then
have an onboard game called balance of trade. Very
shortly the majority of admirals have a deficit balance.
All the while the starboard-side admirals are secretly
planning to list the boat to port far enough to drown
the portside admirals, while the portside admirals
are secretly trying to list the boat to starboard
far enough to drown the starboard-side admirals. Nobody
is paying attention to operating the ship or steering
it to some port. They run out of food and fuel. They
discover that they can no longer reach a port of supply.
Energy Grid
Thinking about humanity on board our planet, the
Spaceship Earth, and playing the World Game, I became
fascinated by the question, How do
we get energy from here to there to help each other?
If you look at the world map, you could see, not only
crossing time zones and reaching Alaska, where the
Russians are putting up dams, hydroelectric dams,
in all their northerly flowing waters - all the way
over there! I suddenly found I could reach the Russian
network -1,500 miles. Boy! This would mean something
because of all that standby power - that is, at off-peak
times when 50 percent of the generating capacity is
not being used. I found then that by integrating these
networks to produce a global energy grid, we could
integrate night and day and double the generating
capacity operative around the world - immediately.
Why Utilities Link
The best customers that power companies have are
industries. And they discovered that to hold their
industrial customers, public utilities had to anticipate
increased uses, for if the industrial customers turned
on the juice and didn't get it from the public utility,
they'd go and put in their own energy production plants.
So the utility company had to study the needs of their
customers, and they have the most incredibly accurate
charts of when the peak loads come in every day of
the year, every minute of the day. The utilities have
standby power for peak hours. This excess power is
always being generated at a loss - a complete loss.
But the company discovered that if it hooked up its
wires with the next town's, where the peak loads occur
at just a little different time of day or night, what
had been a complete loss could go over there and become
a profit. With interlinked networks, the loss could
be turned to a profit. But within 350 miles, the company
couldn't cross time zones. When it reached 1,500 miles,
it suddenly was able to go right across the time zone
to a different peak time; which meant of course, that
there was a much better chance of selling that standby
Trudeau and USSR
In early years of Trudeau's premiership of Canada,
when he was about to make his first visit to Russia,
I gave him my world energy network grid plan, which
he presented to Brezhnev, who turned it over to his
experts. On his return to Canada Trudeau reported
to me that the experts had come back to Brezhnev with:
feasible...desirable I therefore
predict that before the end of the 1980s the computer's
politically unbiased problem-solving prestige will
have brought about the world's completely integrated
electrical - energy network grid. This world electric
grid, with it's omni-integrated advantage, will deliver
its electric energy anywhere, to anyone, at any time,
at one common rate. This will make possible a world-around
uniform costing and pricing system for all goods and
services based realistically on the time-energy metabolic
accounting system of Universe.
Kilowatt Hours
When Buckminster Fuller was asked by a 12 year old
boy, How do you suggest solving international
problems without violence? he answered:
"I always try to solve problems
by some artifact, some tool or invention that makes
what people are doing obsolete, so that it makes
this particular kind of problem no longer relevant.
My answer would be to develop a world energy grid,
an electric energy grid where everybody is on the
same grid. All of a sudden there would be no problems
anymore, no international troubles. Our new economic
basis wouldn't be gold or dollars; it would be kilowatt
Blood Clots
The world energy network grid will be responsible
for the swift disappearance of planet Earth's 150
different nationalities. We now have 150 supreme admirals,
all trying to command the same ship to go in different
directions, with the result that the ship is going
around in circles - getting nowhere. The 150 nations
act as 150 blood clots in blocking the flow of recirculating
metals and other traffic essential to realization
of the design science revolution.
World's Highest Priority
Electrical-energy integration of the night and day
regions of the Earth will bring all the capacity into
use at all times, thus overnight doubling the generating
capacity of humanity because it will integrate all
the most extreme night and day peaks and valleys.
From the Bering Straits, Europe and Africa will be
integrated westwardly through the U.S.S.R., and China,
Southeast Asia; India will become network-integrated
southwardly through the U.S.S.R. Central and South
America will be integrated southwardly through Canada,
the U.S.A., and Mexico.
Graphs of each of the world's 150 nations showing
their twentieth-century histories of inanimate energy
production per capita of their respective populations
together with graphs of those countries' birthrates
show without exception that the birthrates decrease
at exactly the same rate that the per capita consumption
of inanimate electrical energy increases. The world's
population will stop increasing when and if the integrated
world electrical energy grid is realized. This grid
is the World Game's highest priority objective.
Not You or Me
In 1970 it could, for the first time, be engineeringly
demonstrated that, applying the most advances know-how
to the conservation and use of the world's resources,
we can, within ten years of from-killingry-to-livingry
reoriented world production, have all humanity enjoying
a sustainably higher standard of living that any humans
have ever heretofore experienced. It could further
be demonstrated that we can do this while simultaneously
phasing out all further Earthians' use of fossil fuels
and atomic energy.
Humanity is so specialized and these epochally significant
technological facts are so invisible that it seems
an almost hopeless matter to adequately inform humanity
that from now on, for the first time in history, it
does not have to be you or
me -there is now enough for both -
and to convince humanity of this fact in time to permit
it to exercise its option and save itself.
Integrity of Everyone
Now we've reached the point of discovering that muscle
is nothing, mind is everything. Evolution is integrating
us and we're no longer so remote from each other.
Clearly we are here to use our minds, to be information
gatherers in the local universe, problem solvers in
relation to the maintenance of the integrity of the
eternally regenerative universe. Muscle is nothing;
mind is everything. But muscle is still in control
of human affairs. In about ten years, if we come out
with muscle in control, we will have chosen oblivion;
if we come out with mind in control, it's going to
be utopia and eternity. Yes, we do have the option
to make it, but it's absolutely touch and go, a matter
of the integrity of every human being from now on.
What Can I Do?
Each year I receive and answer many hundreds of unsolicited
letters from youth anxious to know what the little
individual can do. One such letter from a young man
named Michael - who is ten years old - asks whether
I am a doer or a thinker.
The things to do are: the things that need doing:
that you see need to be done, and that no one
else seems to see needs to be done. Then you will
conceive your own way of doing that which needs to
be done - that no one else has told you to do or how
to do it. This will bring out the real you that often
gets buried inside a character that has acquired a
superficial array of behaviors induced or imposed
by others.
You have what is most important in life-initiative.
Because of it, you wrote to me. I am answering to
the best of my capability. You will find the world
responding to your earnest initiative.
Earth , Richard J. Brenneman, St. Martin's
Press, 1984.
Fuller: An Autobiographical Monologue Scenario ,
Robert Snyder
Path , Fuller and Kuromiya
Meisen is a San Diego native, Mr. Meisen founded
Global Energy Network Institute (GENI) to investigate
Buckminster Fuller's premier global strategy -- the
electrical interconnection of renewable energy resources
around the world. This solution has been called one
of the most thoughtful strategies in solving many
of the world's problems