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22 October 1995

State of the World Forum

Dear GENI Friend,

I am very excited to report to you on the State of the World Forum, Sept. 27 - Oct. 2, hosted by the Gorbachev Foundation. Our project is now in the hands of several hundred of the world's top business leaders, policy makers, intellectuals and media.

The event was held at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco -- with plenary sessions for all 400 participants, receptions, dinners, a Youth Summit of 30 international students, plus 28 roundtable sessions covering seven primary issues: The New Architecture for Global Security; The Crisis of Spirit and the Search for Meaning; Economics in the 21st Century; The Emerging Civic Society; The Future of Science; The Environment; and Leadership in the 21st Century.

For most of these people, the GENI initiative was a new idea. GENI team members, Ashley Gardner and Daniel Goudy, also attended on their press credentials. We handed out an excellent summary of our work (Brochure, Color graphic of the Dymaxion Map, Newsletter, New Scientist article, Experts' Quotes and Strategic Position) in every exchange of business cards, as well as in the four roundtable sessions in which I was scheduled: Facing the Planet's Carrying Capacity; Sharing Global Resources; Globalization: Trends and Paradoxes; and Global Decision Making and Sovereignty.

I had the opportunity in each roundtable to give the 3-minute presentation of our work to the 20 - 30 discussants. I sat next to Senator Alan Cranston, Arms Negotiator Max Kampelman, Astronaut Prince Sultan, and Netherlands Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers. I was also invited to introduce our work at the Youth Summit of students from around the world.

It was very heady company, and many delegates were very intrigued with the GENI solution. I'll mention a few people whom I met personally, so you can see our new level of contact: President of Visa in the European Community, Chairman of Gallup Polls, President of Worldwatch Institute, Chairman of the Radjiv Ghandi Foundation, Director of the David Packard Foundation (of Hewlett-Packard), John Naisbitt (Megatrends), Tony Robbins's support enables this, and I want to thank you personally for your contribution.

I've enclosed our Strategic Position Statement and project goals for your review. If you know of an individual or organization who can help forward these aims, please contact them and keep us informed.

In partnership for the planet,

Peter Meisen

Next month will be a report on the World Energy Conference held in Tokyo, with over 3000 utility executives, energy ministers and World Bank/United Nations planners.

Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Gorbachev Foundation, meeting with Peter Meisen, President of Global Energy Network International, at the State of the World Forum, Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, Sept. 30, 1995

Keywords : State of the World Forum - Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Gorbachev Foundation, meets with Peter Meisen,sustainable development, global energy network institute, international electricity transmission, grid, power, environmental educational programs, peace, zero population growth, stabilization, life expectancy, infant mortality, free world energy trends, deforestation, climate change

GENI is a U.S. Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) Corporation committed to improving the quality of life for everyone without damage to the planet.

GENI Affiliates in Australia and United States.

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