Library - Library, Global Energy Network Institute Articles, Opinion Editorials, Flip The Old Model Upside Down, Sloving Climate Change, Spontaneous Cooperation, Opinion Editorial, A Crisis of Ignorance, Linking Renwable Energy Resources Around The World, Linking Electricity for Peace, Power Transmission, Asking the Question For Spaceship Earth, No Cure for a Sick World?, The Missing Link, Linking Renewable Energy Resources Around The World, A Compleling Global Strategy, The Global Energy Network Institute Model, Want To Contian GlobalPolution?, Remote Renewable Energy Resources Made Possible by International Electrical Interconnections, The Economic, Environment and Devlopmental Benefits of High-VoltageInterconnections Between South and North America Via Central America and the Caribbean, Worldwide Interconnection May Be An Idea Whose Time Has Come, A Light seen round the World

GENI Articles, Opinion Editorials, Papers

  • Changing The Way We Look At Climate Change
    January, 2012, by Marsha Kay Seff, San Diego Downtown News.

    Meisen likens the current global situation to the Titanic.
    “The unsinkable Titanic hits the iceberg and two-thirds of the ship’s passengers and crew were lost,” he said. “What if the captain had ample warning of the danger that lay ahead? The history of that fateful event would be altered forever.” 

    Today, he continued, the ship is much bigger and we are all crewmembers, not just passengers. “Do we have the capacity to mobilize before hitting the proverbial iceberg?” he asked.

  • The Climate Change Challenge — Can we turn the Titanic before it’s too late?
    December, 2011

    We’ve seen the movie and we know the outcome.  The unsinkable Titanic hits the iceberg and two-thirds of the ships passengers and crew were lost.  What if the captain had ample warning of the danger that lay ahead?   The history of that fateful event would be altered forever... we have 60 months, and the clock is ticking...

  • Flip The Old Energy Model Upside Down
    April, 2010

    It's almost hard to imagine. Mankind has had access to electricity for only 130 years. In just over a century, we have extended transmission lines, light bulbs and refrigeration to nearly 5 billion people around the world. This extraordinary feat has elevated three-quarters of humanity out of the daily toil experienced by our pre-Edison generations. Still 25% of humanity lives without access to electrical services - spending their days in labor, fetching water and wood, preparing food and farming simply to survive. In the past four decades alone, we've landed a man on the moon and launched satellites to explore the universe. How large a task, given our technology, to electrify the rest of humanity?

  • Solving Climate Change – Follow the Money
    Jan 2008

    Climate change is the challenge of our time. It's not our only global problem: terrorism, water shortages, fishery depletion, pervasive hunger and poverty all persist on the planet. Yet climate affects everything, and how we deal with this issue will make matters better or worse for all the rest.

  • Spontaneous Cooperation — Decades in the Making

    After WWI, President Woodrow Wilson said, "the highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation of a free people." Where is the evidence of spontaneous cooperation in our world today? Historically, it seems that the cause of war — Pearl Harbor, Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and September 11th — will catalyze a society and nations to cooperate. Must we have our backs to the wall, or is it possible for a compelling vision to create spontaneous cooperation?

  • Opinion-Editorial: A Crisis of Ignorance
    Jan 12, 2001

    "There is no energy shortage, there is no energy crisis, there is a crisis of ignorance." Buckminster Fuller
    Over three decades ago, visionary engineer Buckminster Fuller made the statement that seems heretical today. Any rational person viewing our energy quagmire would dismiss Dr. Fuller's notion as utopian and out of touch. Yet it's possible that our present situation in California and the Western U.S. has everyone focused on immediate answers -- and that few are asking the larger questions.

  • Linking Renewable Energy Resources Around the World:- A Compelling Global Strategy
    Feb 2, 1998 - IEEE/Power Engineering Society

    The expansion of high-voltage AC and DC interconnected systems continues to develop around the world. The power pools of North America, UCPTE, CENTREL, the CIS and Nordel networks are proven energy infrastructure -- providing enormous cost savings in power trading, reduced capacity requirements and emergency backup. Economic growth in Latin America, India, China and Southeast Asia is driving the demand for more capacity and the transmission systems to deliver this power.

  • Linking Electricity for Peace: A Compelling Global Strategy
    1997 - The Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, Vol 17, No 4

    East and West Germany connected two months after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Israel and Jordan initiated interconnections after the Washington Declaration. Now electrical inter-ties are also planned between North and South Korea and between Turkey and Iran. As former enemies tear down their walls, they are also building important economic bridges — electrical energy bridges.

  • Power Transmission: False Fear or Global Solution?
    Dec./Jan. 1997 - Vol X No 6

    Fear is a prime motivator of mankind, whether the fear is real or unfounded. Since 1979, electromagnetic fields (EMF) have been vilified by some environmentalists as a cause of childhood leukemia. Power transmission lines were suspected as the carriers of this unseen danger, and utility opponents blocked projects and advocated the re-routing or burial of lines -- at tremendous additional expense to the power companies and ultimately to the consumer.

  • Asking the Right Question for Spaceship Earth
    Nov 1997 - Asia Engineer

    World leaders, probably with the best intentions, hold summit meeting after summit meeting to discuss environmental problems, but nothing seems to change. It is time to consider another approach — one that seeks a global cure for a global problem.

  • Opinion-Editorial: No cure for a sick world?
    Nov 3, 1997, No 21, - Chemistry and Industry

    Five years ago, the largest-ever gathering of world leaders met in Rio de Janeiro for the Earth Summit. They pledged to take better care of our planet; reducing pollution, protecting biodiversity and saving rainforests. At the United Nations last month, Rio+5 convened to assess our collective progress. In almost every category, any objective reporter would give us a failing grade. The headline nearly screamed, World leaders say "Earth is sick, but fail to agree on a cure."

  • The Missing Link
    Apr 1997, Issue 3- Sustain - Newsletter of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development

    Electricity's essential quality was first pointed out more than two decades ago by inventor, scientist and mathematician, R. Buckminster Fuller, who argued that it was the common denominator of all society's infra-systems - food, shelter, health-care, sewage, transportation, communication, education and finance.

  • Linking renewable energy resources around the world
    Autumn, 1996 - The Sustainable Energy Journal - Issue 2

    The relationship of electricity, and especially electricity based on the planet's income energy (renewable resources) over capital resources (non-renewable resources), was discovered over two decades ago by inventor, scientist and mathematician, R. Buckminster Fuller. Based on his thorough cataloguing of the earth's resources and assessment of human survival needs.

  • Linking renewable resources around the world: a compelling global strategy
    July 1996 - IEEE Power Engineering Review - July, 1996

    Today, over two billion people in developing countries live without any electricity. They lead lives of misery, walking miles every day for water and firewood, just to survive. What if there was an existing, viable technology, that when developed to its highest potential could: * increase everyone's standard of living * cut fossil fuel demand and the resultant pollution * relieve the population explosion * reduce world hunger * cut deforestation, topsoil loss, and spreading of deserts * enhance world trade * promote international cooperation and peace

  • The GENI Model
    April 1995, Vol 64, No 4 - Simulation

    As a result of early research, GENI identified a major limitation for the industry's wider use of interconnection of large scale, renewable energy resources: the lack of a suitable, validated computer simulation model to demonstrate the cost/benefit of various scenarios which would include a comparison with other energy scenarios, for example, those of the World Energy Council. So in August of 1992, a Computer Simulation Model was conceived to be this management tool. It would factor in quality of life indicators including infant mortality, life expectancy, literacy and safe drinking water, as well as criteria for meeting the environmental standards set forth by the Earth Summit Agenda 21 and signed by nations around the world.

  • Want to Contain Global Population? Expand Energy Resources
    Oct/Nov 1994, Vol VIII, No 5 - World Citizen News

    Delegates attending the recent U.N.-sponsored population conference in Cairo spent all their time discussing family planning, abortion and the empowerment of women. These are all critical issues, but their attendant action programs are almost impossible to implement for the two billion people in the world who have no electricity or potable water.

  • Remote Renewable Energy Resources made Possible by International Electrical Interconnections - A Priority for All Continents (revised)
    1994 - co-authors T.J. Hammons, J.A.Falcon - Power Generation Technology

    Over the past few decades, international electrical interconnections have become increasing widespread as technology has improved and the benefits of integrated systems are realized. System interconnection facilitate reduced requirements for spinning reserve, improved efficiency, load leveling between time zones and seasonal variations, less fossil fuel emissions and the harnessing of remote renewable energy sources.

  • Remote Renewable Energy Resources made Possible by International Electrical Interconnections - A Priority for All Continents (draft)

  • The Economic, Environmental and Developmental Benefits of High-Voltage Interconnections Between South and North America via Central America and the Caribbean
    Jun 15 - 18, 1993 - co-authors Michael Hesse Wolfe and Peter Donalek - ENERLAC

    This paper addresses the potential for expanding current efforts to complete power system interconnections in Central America towards an Inter-American Transmission System (IATS), that would interconnect northern South America with North America via Central America and the Caribbean.

  • Worldwide Interconnections May Be An Idea Whose Time Has Come
    Dec 1992 - Transmission & Distribution International

    E xpanding power grids has proven to be both economically and environmentally desirable since the time-zone and seasonal diversity that exists between adjacent power systems can postpone or eliminate the necessity of building redundant generation. Approximately 80% of all generation presently is based on non-renewable fuels, which create greenhouse gases, acid rain and toxic waste. With sites around the world that boast of energy sources like hydro, tidal solar, wind and geothermal, it is reasonable to project the benefits for the future if these sites were connected into existing grids.

  • GENI Initiative
    1992, Vol 4 - Development, the Journal of the Society for International Development

  • Oil, Iraq, war - a new paradigm needed now
    Oct 1990, Vol 5, No10 - Florida Business

  • A light seen round the world
    Aug 4, 1990 - The Globe and Mail

    Buckminster Fuller's idea of a global energy system is back in favor.

Overview - Library, Global Energy Netwark Institute Articles, Opinion Editorials, Flip The Old Model Upside Down, Sloving Climate Change, Spontaneous Cooperation, Opinion Editorial, A Crisis of Ignorance, Linking Renwable Energy Resources Around The World, Linking Electricity for Peace, Power Transmission, Asking the Question For Spaceship Earth, No Cure for a Sick World?, The Missing Link, Linking Renewable Energy Resources Around The World, A Compleling Global Strategy, The Global Energy Network Institute Model, Want To Contian GlobalPolution?, Remote Renewable Energy Resources Made Possible by International Electrical Interconnections, The Economic, Environment and Devlopmental Benefits of High-VoltageInterconnections Between South and North America Via Central America and the Caribbean, Worldwide Interconnection May Be An Idea Whose Time Has Come, A Light seen round the World

keywords: Library, GENI Articles, Opinion Editorials, Flip The Old Model Upside Down, Sloving Climate Change, Spontaneous Cooperation, Opinion Editorial, A Crisis of Ignorance, Linking Renwable Energy Resources Around The World, Linking Electricity for Peace, Power Transmission, Asking the Question For Spaceship Earth, No Cure for a Sick World?, The Missing Link, Linking Renewable Energy Resources Around The World, A Compleling Global Strategy, The GENI Model, Want To Contian GlobalPolution?, Remote Renewable Energy Resources Made Possible by International Electrical Interconnections, The Economic, Environment and Devlopmental Benefits of High-VoltageInterconnections Between South and North America Via Central America and the Caribbean, Worldwide Interconnection May Be An Idea Whose Time Has Come, A Light seen round the World