About Us

Engineering peace & sustainable development

Peter Meisen with Al Gore
Peter Meisen updates U.S. Vice President Al Gore, who wrote: "A global energy network makes enormous sense if we are to meet global energy needs with a minimal impact of the world's enviroment"
Peter Meisen with Mikhail Gorbachev
Mr. Meisen explains GENI to Mikhail Gorbachev at State of the World Forum.

Dear GENI Friend,

Stories from around the world report a wide range of global challenge:
  • China's exploding economic growth is causing severe environmental damage
  • Numerous power outages in India cause productivity losses in the millions
  • UN Development Program sees a growing divide between rich and poor nations
  • World Resources Institute projects global population to 8.3 billion in 2025
  • Large insurance firms have tripled their property losses over the past decade
  • The World Bank warns of critical water shortages and the growth of megacities
  • Increased greenhouse warming threatens the spread of tropical diseases
  • Two billion people have no access to potable water and burn wood for cooking

What do these issues have in common? The GENI Initiative is a solution is each. Linking Renewable Energy Resources Around the World — A World Wide Web of Electricity — A Compelling Global Strategy for Peace and Sustainable Development — The World's Highest Priority Objective. No matter how you define it, the Energy Grid Initiative is a comprehensive design strategy that engineers a solution to these issues.

The GENI Initiative is receiving some high-level attention. We were invited to participate in the State of the World Forum, hosted by the Gorbachev Foundation. Now that the Cold War is over, hundreds of experts are gathering annually to identify solutions for the next millennium. In addition to presenting this work to President Gorbachev, we again met Vice President Al Gore, who has expressed his support several times, including a section in his environmental book Earth in the Balance (page 330).

While peace in the Middle East remains tenuous, last year we offered an alternative project to Prime Minister Shimon Peres and other leaders engaged in the peace process. Our letter to these world leaders is a model for building peace between neighboring nations anywhere around the world. Several of the world media have also taken note of the GENI Initiative. You will appreciate the excerpts from the New Scientist, the Simulation Journal and the Washington Post.

Geothe said nothing is so powerful as an idea whose time has come. GENI supporters, our international Affiliates and Board members have worked for almost 10 years to provide a solid foundation for this global strategy. Providing credible information to 190 world leaders and their advisers is a prime goal. We offer GENI in Review to summarize this effort. I think you'll find the section on Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science to be especially important.

I want to thank you for supporting this compelling solution to many of today's pressing issues. We need your continued efforts. Please consider expanding your support of this vision with your own money, time, contacts or expertise. The world needs it — and so do our children.


Peter Meisen

GENI DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS: Sara Beattie, Anthony Davis, Bobbi DePorter, Graeme Edwards, Joe Falcon, Nyhl Henson, Janathin Miller, Bill Shopoff, Joanalys Smith, Peter Wagshal


GENI ADVISORS: Raghbir Basi, Len Bateman, Lowell Blankfort, David Cline, Mike Fisher, Ashley Gardner, Floyd Geis, Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Kiyosaki, Terry Lipman, Karen Morgan, Robert Muller, Glenn Olds, Malcolm Roberts, David Steven, Marshall Thurber

Newsletter produced by Writing by Design, Jamul, California

The GRID Initiative: A Compelling Global Strategy

A vast and visionary undertaking . . . to build peace. Walter Hickel as Gov. of Alaska

The planet's highest priority objective. Buckminster Fuller,Critical Path

Extensive international cooperation ... would help overcome social-economic problems. Yevgeny Velikhov as VP of USSR Academy of Sciences

A thoughtful and scientific solution to the world's problems. Ron Williams, General Motors, Director of R&D

This is a project that will affect the lives of every person on the planet. It is both simple and complex.

Simply stated, the strategy is to link electrically the renewable energy resources around the world.

This was determined to be the planet's highest priority from the World GameTM, a global simulation that asks the question:

How do we make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or the disadvantage of anyone?

Two decades ago, both the United Nations and Buckminster Fuller determined that a sufficient supply of electrical energy provides the foundation for a decent standard of living. By tapping the planet's abundant renewable energy, the needs of all humanity could be met in an environmentally sustainable fashion. The technology exists today, and it is cost competitive.

The benefits of this strategy are enormous — and proven. The complexity begins as you examine the implications of 190 nations cooperating daily for the mutual benefit of all. The interconnection of electrical networks between countries and continents tapping renewables will have huge impact. It would:

  • increase universal living standards
  • increase trade, cooperation and enhance world peace
  • increase energy efficiency and sustainable development
  • reduce climate change and pollution due to current fossil fuel usage and nuclear wastes
  • reduce world hunger, literacy and poverty
  • stabilize world population growth

Experts around the world have corroborated these findings:

What if these experts are all right? GENI's goal is to put this credentialed and compelling global strategy for an interconnected global grid on the agenda of 190 world leaders as quickly as possible.

We welcome the involvement and support of everyone. We have 3 main projects which require financial support. Please see GENI in Review for more information on the Computer Simulation Model, The Powerful Planet Film, and an International Conference.

International Attention

New Scientist Magazine Cover Page, July 8, 1995

Global Power: The electric hypergrid, New Scientist, July 8, 1995 (magazine excerpts)

Dreams of a global electricity grid are close to reality. The New Scientist looks ahead to a world in which electrical power is traded worldwide.

When Arab energy ministers met in Cairo in April, there was one thing at the top of their agenda -- plans for a regional electricity grid that would stretch more than 5000 kilometers from Morocco in the west to the Gulf states in the east. And for Maher Abaza, Egypt's Energy Minister and the meeting's host, that would only be the start. Abaza foresees a network, with Egypt at its heart, that would give the energy-hungry countries of Europe access to the hydropower of Africa's mightiest rivers. Ultimately, he envisages a worldwide power system that would cut the cost of electricity everywhere. This, says Abaza, represents the hope for the peoples of the developing world.

Intercontinental electricity grids are the only way to harness the planet's great sources of renewable energy and link them to centers of population, according to Peter Meisen of Global Energy Network International in San Diego. This non-profit organization is dedicated to promoting Buckminster Fuller's vision of a global grid. Modern transmission lines can efficiently span up to 6000 kilometers, says Meisen. This is enough to bring power to large industrial centers from hydroelectric sites on the great Arctic rivers, such as the Ob and Yukon, Mackenzie and Lena, and tidal power sites in Argentina, China, Australia and India. A global grid could also tap solar power right around the tropics, and the geothermal potential of the ring of fire around the Pacific Ocean, in Iceland and the rift valley of Africa.

Simulation Magazine Cover Page, April, 1995

Special Issue: Environmental Simulation and Mission Earth April 1995

The GENI Model: The Interconnection of Global Power Resources to Obtain an Optimal Global Sustainable Energy Solution, by Paul-Michael Dekker, Peter Meisen, Amy Bruton

(magazine excerpts)

The GENI Model quantifies the economic, environmental, and social benefits of developing remote renewable energy sources and linking them to population centers via long distance electrical transmission lines. The model investigates an optimal sustainable global energy solution by comparing the GENI alternative to those alternatives presented by the World Energy Council and others. . .

animated global energy grid on dymaxion map
Global Energy Grid on Dymaxion™ Map

Currently 82% of electricity is generated by burning finite nonrenewable fuels (fossil 77.1%, nuclear 4.9%). Renewable energy is extremely abundant, relatively inexhaustible, and potentially less polluting than nonrenewables. Technologies for converting this energy to electricity are now becoming cost competitive with fossil fuel generation. Unfortunately, most large scale renewable energy sites are located far from population centers. However, current transmission line technology is now capable of economically delivering electricity as far as 4000 miles from the source. From a technological viewpoint, interconnection of renewable energy sources is a viable and feasible energy alternative today.

Reported January 24, 1996, in

The Washington Post

Israel's Vision of Syrian Pact Is Ambitious: Foreign Minister Defines 'Full Peace'

by Thomas Lippman

With peace negotiations between Israel and Syria set to resume today, Israel Foreign Minister Ehud Barak yesterday offered a tough, ambitious definition of the full peace Israel would demand as the price of a complete withdrawal from the occuppied Golan Heights.

He said Israel wants diplomatic relations, an open border, trade, tourist exchanges, a free flow of goods, services and people, communication and transportation links, joint water projects and even the integration of the two countries' electricity grids.

Interlocking electrical grids could save Israelis and Arabs millions of dollars.

Click here to read the letter to Prime Minister Shimon Peres regarding Syria and Israel

Why Now? What's the Urgency?

Global Population on way to 8.3 billion

World Update Reuters, April 19, 1996

The world's population should increase 50 percent to 8.3 billion by 2025, with two-thirds massed in congested cities and having more impact on the environment than ever before, according to a report released yesterday.

The report by the World Bank, the United Nations Environment and Development Programs and the World Resources Institute also said intense industrial growth likely will diminish efforts to cut climate-changing gas emissions. The report said water shortages could become critical in 30 years.

What more evidence is needed for a comprehensive global strategy?

What Can You Do?

Global and local activities are needed to accelerate the attainment of the GENI vision. Your participation can take many forms. Please contact the GENI office for more information on any of the following opportunities.

Contribute Your Money

Make a pledge to help bring this vision into reality. We need monthly donors!

You can contribute cash, stocks, real estate, put GENI in your will or create a charitable remainder trust.

GENI has project funding requirements of:

GENI is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible in the United States.

Contribute Your Contacts

We need to reach the key leadership in 190 countries.
Please share this information with your nation's policy-makers, business executives, media and spiritual leaders.

Each of them is looking for new solutions to global problems. Copy this newsletter or send us your referrals.

Contribute your time or expertise:

Bringing an idea to the world needs assistance in many ways. You can write to the editor of your favorite magazine or newspaper (we have excellent opinion editorials for you to submit).

Help market our Web Site http://www.geni.org/ to your favorite news groups and create Hot Links with related sites.
You could book a presentation on the GRID Initiative for your trade association annual meeting or host a fund raising event in your home.

GENI Support and Products

New GENI Computer Animation

GENI's new 10 minute IBM PC animation shows the major issues of a global electrical grid. Requires 1MB SVGA, VESA 1.2 graphics card and 2.6 MB XMS or EMS memory,
  • GENI Video:
    What if... a new global option

    This 15 minute video has been seen around the world. Designed for the general public, it's the best overview of the GENI Initiative. Introduction by John Denver.

  • GENI T-shirts (no longer offered)
    "Connect the World with GENI" — three color shirt along with Dymaxion™ Map and Grid is guaranteed to get attention and conversation. White shirts with Map in blue and yellow, Grid and print in red.

  • GENI Brochures
    A concise statement on GENI, as well as the benefits in the areas of economics, the environment, international trade and cooperation, hunger and overpopulation. This piece will explain GENI to your firends in 3 minutes.

  • GENI Membership and Placement on the GENI Mailing List
    You'll receive documentation and support literature on the Global Energy Grid proposal, priority mailing of hardcopy GENI Newsletters, and monthly e-mail updates on the status of this discussion around the world.

  • Dymaxion™ Globe
    Folded from the Dymaxion™ Map, this four-color 6" globe generates conversation on global issues and solutions.

  • GENI Video:
    A WIN-WIN Solution

    A 15 minute discussion by ten delegates who participated in the International Workshop in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in July 1991. The consensus statement strongly corroborated the GENI initiative as very credible. It's a win-win proposal for everyone involved. Joe Falson

  • GENI Technical Package
    For the engineer and policy maker, a compendium of reports, thoughtful analysis and policy proposals from IEEE, World Bank and the United Nations. $50 donation.

Fuller Projection Air-Ocean World Dymaxion Map -- Beautiful four color poster

The Buckminster Fuller Institute owns all rights to the Dymaxion™ Map design. The word Dymaxion™ and the Dymaxion™ Map design are trademarks of the Buckminster Fuller Institute. The Map is copyrighted by the Buckminster Fuller Institute, 1938, and is used here by permission.

Dymaxion™ Map

Beautiful four color poster printed on heavy-gauge paper.

Fuller Projection Air-Ocean World Dymaxion Map -- Beautiful four color poster (34 inches X 22 inches).

Promises to generate discussions in your home and office.

GENI Mission — to accelerate the attainment of optimal, ecologically sustainable energy solutions in the shortest possible time for the peace, health and prosperity of all. GENI is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation registered in the State of California.

A compelling global strategy for peace and sustainable development.
Two decades
ago, the late R. Buckminster Fuller
proposed interconnecting regional power
systems into a single continuous global electrical
energy grid. • While this vision is still years away, tech-
nological advances have made the linking of international and
inter regional energy networks practicable today. • Transmission
lines allow utilities to level the peaks and valleys of demand. This is
accomplished between East-West time zones, as well as North-South
seasonal variations in demand. • The origin of the energy grid initiative
emerged as the highest priority of the World Game™. Its stated purpose
is “to make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible
time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or the
disadvantage of anyone.” Research reveals that these major benefits will
result from expanding electrical networks. • Increase in everyone’s stan-
dard of living • Reduction of fossil fuel demand and the resultant pollu-
tion • Relief of the population explosion • Reduction of world hunger
• Enhancement of world trade • Promotion of international
cooperation and peace • The purpose of GENI, Global
Energy Network Institute, is to educate all people,
especially world leaders, to the potential
benefits of this win-win
solution. •

"It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it."

Eleanor Roosevelt

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