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A Solution to Global Problems

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  1. A Solution to Global Problems
  1. What the Experts are Saying
  1. A Global Challenge
  1. Fuller Projection Dymaxion Globe
  1. Energy is Vital to Our Quality of Life
  1. World Population: 5.8 Billion and Growing
  1. Income Distribution Varies Greatly
  1. Energy Use is Rapidly Increasing
  1. Pollution from Non-renewable Energy Sources
  1. Pollution from Non-renewable Energy Sources
  1. Untapped Renewable Energy Resources Abound
  1. A Solution to Global Problems
  1. Energy Needs Vary with Time
  1. World Peace Through World Trade
  1. What Can I Do?
  1. Bibliography
  1. Postscript


GENI is a U.S. tax exempt 501[c] [3] corporation committed to improving the quality of life for everyone without damage to the planet.


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