is Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science and why
is it relevant and critical in the today's world?
From a global perspective, we are faced with daunting
challenges as documented by World Resources, 1996-97:
the accelerating confluence of population expansion,
increased demand for energy, food, clean drinking
water, adequate housing, the destructive environmental
effects of pollution from fossil fuels and nuclear
waste, plus the growing divergence between the haves
and have-nots and the potential for ensuing conflicts.
Only recently have national elected officials realized
what global corporations already know: the issues
of today and the future transcend political boundaries
and nationalistic thinking and are globally interrelated,
affecting each other in multiple ways.
When viewed as a whole, solutions arise that address
multiple, interrelated issues in ways that otherwise
would not be apparent if addressing each issue in
isolation. Some strategies must be global, and any
investigation into global solutions must, therefore,
be comprehensive. Population growth, energy demand
and pollution are predictable as trends. Planning
must anticipate these trends if we are to find solutions
that can stay ahead of them. We then ask the engineers
and architects to design systems that will enable
us to provide a desired quality of life.
Appropriate design must include consequences for natural
resource use, cost efficiency and human factors. The
science includes the proper scientific method and
asking the right questions from the beginning. GENI's
question is "how do we provide a decent living standard
for everyone on the planet without damaging the environment
for the long term?"
Good design must also include awareness of universal
scientific principles. Ideally, artifacts and tools
can then be created so that old problems disappear,
since the new design makes them obsolete. The computer
replacing the typewriter is a good example.
Comprehensive anticipatory design science acknowledges
interrelatedness, trends and principles and then builds
to meet today's needs without compromising the needs
and environment for future generations.
is exactly what the GENI
Initiative does.
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