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Personal Endorsements by Major Individuals for GENI - page 2

"There are a number of potential benefits that can be realized through the interconnection of power grids. For example, those in remote regions with few resources of their own can benefit from links to regions with more abundant power. Similarly, uneconomic projects can become feasible if the power generated can be sold to areas of higher demand. Incorporating renewable sources of energy into energy planning is an important tenet of our international energy policy."

Timothy Wirth, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs, United States Department of State

 "Building toward and sustaining the world grid requires productive, creative and life-serving technology. This can be a magnet for technologists who are now marshalled for military power extension without limit."

Seymour Melman, Professor Emeritus, Industrial Engineering, Columbia University

 "Countries which have integrated their electric power systems through electric transmission interconnections are the wealthy industrialized nations. There is no question that interconnections result in more efficient availability of electricity. So that all may benefit, the objectives of GENI if they can be attained, will lead to peace and wealth to those presently deprived of such."

Dennis Woodford, Executive Director, Manitoba HVDC Research Centre

 "One of the obvious features of development is that energy inputs rarely benefit women, who have no access to them. Electrification would directly benefit the preparers of food and carriers of water as other inputs do not."

Germaine Greer, Professor, University of Warwick

 "Sustainable energy strategies, which seek to promote a more efficient use of energy resources, will play a vital role in the international effort to meet the objectives for sustainable development, as set out in the United Nations' "Agenda 21". I therefore welcome the "GENI Initiative", which proposes the electrical interconnection of renewable energy resources, as an important contribution to the work of the United Nations. Regretfully, due to established United Nations practice, I am unable to offer you my official endorsement of your initiative. However, I should like to convey to you my sincere appreciation of your project and best wishes for its continued success."

Gillian Martin Sorensen, Assistant-Secretary-General for External Relations, United Nations

"India will be a determining country in terms of the global environmental future. It has very large quantities of poor quality coal, which cannot be used indefinitely for meeting its limitless energy requirement. Hydro projects including small run of the rivers scheme, as also inter-country initiatives in the region. Photovoltaics, bio-energy, are all feasible and possible. Also technologies for the use of Indian coal and decentralized energy management systems. The GENI Initiative is the kind of organizational change, which can make sustainable development happen."

Yoginder K. Alagh, Managing Partner, Rajya Sabha, New Delhi, India

Regarding Walter Hickel's presentation to the United Nations as a 'Premier Peace Project for the Planet', this concept has my full support. I hope it will be the first step towards bringing the peoples of the world into communications with each other.

Edmund de Rothschild, Former Director, N.M. Rothschillds and Sons Ltd.

A sensible strategy that harnesses nature's cycles to serve humanity and sustainability.

Bill Shireman, President, Future 500 and Global Future

"I support the ongoing education and research by GENI towards connecting inter-regional and international electric energy networks, emphasizing the use of local and remote renewable energy resources. I heartily endorse the benefits that are demonstrated in similar projects around the world:

  • universal inrease in living standards
  • reduction in atmospheric pollution
  • reduction in hunger and poverty
  • enhancement of world trade
  • promotion of cooperation and peace"

Gennady P. Turmov, President, Far East State Technical University (FESTU), Doctor of Technical Science

Nadine Gordimer, Nobel Prize in Literature 1991

Abraham Sat, Head, Advanced Applications - Israel Electric Corporation

I could not possibly be more in accord with this earth-saving brainstorm of Bucky Fuller!

Andy Baltzo, Founder, Mt. Diablo Peace Center

I would like to add my support to the GENI Initiative. Besides the physical advantages of inter-regional and international electric energy networks, there is the emotional imperative that we all learn we are interdependent with each other. This initiative should help.

James Hubbell, Sculptor — Designer

Yours is a technical initiative that will certainly promote peace and sustainable development. To achieve these results, it will require a parallel effort by other institutions, such as UNESCO, to link people's minds around the world into sharing a new vision of reality and adopting new ways of acting on it.

To be sustained successfully, social, economic, and technological changes require simultaneous changes in the structures of the mind. We see that as part of your initiative you are also creating a global network of thinkers and doers that are supporting your idea. They could certainly influence political decisions to achieve the objective of structuring the grid and, concurrently, restructure the minds.

Sofia & Mario Kamenetzky

I fully share your opinion about the importance of developing a global strategy for peace and sustainable development and believe that the GENI Initiative could make a valuable contribution to it. You probably know that UNESCO has undertaken a major program focused on enhancing peace and sustainable development, entitled "World Solar Programme 1996-2005" (WSP). A resolution (A/RES/53/7) endorsing the WSP was unanimously adopted on 16 October 1998 by the UN general Assembly at its fifty-third session. I would welcome a fruitful partnership between the GENI Initiative and the World Solar Programme 1996-2005.

Federico Mayor, Director General, UNESCO

We wish all success to this very important initiative and look forward to remain intouch and informed.

Wasim Zaman, UN Fund for Population Activities, Central and South Asia

"This is certainly a remarkable initiative. I very much welcome the purpose of GENI "to educate all people, especially world leaders, to the potential benefits of this win-win solution". The win-win solution is "to make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or the disadvantage of anyone". This is certainly the crux, the center of a whole concept of Sustainable Development. If this institute succeeds in achieving this goal, it would have certainly made a difference in the world efforts to achieve Sustainable Development for all."

Mostafa K. Tolba Director, United Nations Development Program, retired

I admire the work you have been doing and was glad to be brought up-to-date, at the recent Global Meeting of Generations in Washington, on the progress of the GENI Initiative. As one who has been deeply involved in international development issues for more than 40 years, both as executive officer of the Society for International Development and as chairman of the International Development Conference, I see the creation of a global renewable energy network as a major element in bringing better living standards to all the world in an environmentally sustainable manner.

Andrew E. Rice, Chair Emeritus, International Development Conference

The less some consume, the more will be available for others when poverty will be conquered. Greed and exploitation will have been conquered also. And these will be peace and sustainable development. I support any efforts toward that GENI appears just that.

Wangari Muta Maathai, Founder, Greenbelt Movement

Your outline leaflet makes the principles clear, principles which I would be very happy to support and endorse. I will mention your initiative on our next Review and would be grateful to [be] kept updated with any developments.

David Lorimers, Director, Scientific and Medical Network
