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Articles on Policy

  • Bet on Adoption of a U.S. Climate Policy
    Nov 5,2012 -IEEE Spectrum Online

    Four years ago, six months before the last presidential election, I expressed skepticism about whether the United States would adopt a cap-and-trade carbon reduction plan, even though both candidates Obama and McCain had explicitly favored such a system. This year, though neither President Obama or challenger Romney has uttered the words "climate change" during the campaign, my prediction is that the United States will soon adopt some kind of carbon plan, regardless of who wins.


  • President Obama Launches EV-Everywhere Challenge as Part of Energy Department’s Clean Energy Grand Challenges
    Mar 15, 2012 - energy.gov

    At an event today at the Daimler Truck factory in Mt. Holly, N.C., President Obama launched EV-Everywhere, the second in a series of Energy Department “Clean Energy Grand Challenges”aimed at addressing the most pressing energy challenges of our time.

  • Power of Supportive Policy: California Could Get 66% of Electricity From Renewables, Double It's Already Aggressive Goal
    Mar 15, 2012 - www.sustainablebusiness.com

    Thanks to prescient policies, California could achieve double its already aggressive goal of 33% of electricity from renewables by 2020.

  • 2012: A Breakthrough for Renewable Energy?
    Feb 23, 2012 - Manish Bapna - http://insights.wri.org

    In his annual State of the Union address, President Obama declared: “I will not walk away from clean energy.”

  • White: Follow FERC's Lead on Nation's Electric Grid
    Nov. 11, 2011 - Bill White - rollcall.com

    Our nation's electric grid is suffering from decades of underinvestment. The majority of our high-voltage transmission lines — the "interstate highways" of our electric system — were built long before we fell in love with smartphones and iPads and before technologies such as electric cars were a viable solution for American families.

  • Butte College to Become First Grid-Positive College in the US
    Nov 4, 2011 - sustainablebusiness.com

    Butte College, located in Northern California and resting on a 928-acre wildlife refuge, has been recognized over the last few years as a national community college leader in sustainability. By May 2011, the college will move to the head of its class--as the only college in the nation that is grid positive--producing more clean energy from sustainable on-site solar power than it uses.

  • Germany Passes More Aggressive Renewable Energy Law
    Nov 3, 2011 - Paul Gipe - renewableenergyworld.com

    Despite widespread rumors in North America that Germany was abandoning its system of Advanced Renewable Tariffs, the country's upper chamber of parliament, the Bundesrat, approved the latest revision of its pioneering Renewable Energy Sources Act on July 8.

  • Jeremy Rifkin: The 'Democratization Of Energy' Will Change Everything
    Oct 20, 2011 - huffingtonpost.com

    Rampant unemployment, rising food prices, a collapsed housing market, ballooning debt -- to Jeremy Rifkin, the American economist and president of the Foundation on Economic Trends, these are not simply symptoms of a temporary economic malaise. Rather, they are signs that the current world order -- long infused with and defined by fossil fuels -- is collapsing around us.

  • Competition brewing among states over renewable energy exports
    Oct 6, 2011 - Karoun Demirjian - lasvegassun.com

    If Nevada wants to be the global “epicenter of renewable energy,” as Gov. Brian Sandoval put it on Tuesday, it’s going to have some competition with its neighbors.

  • Industry Hears Details of New FERC Energy Strategy
    Oct 6, 2011 - Peter Behr - nytimes.com

    The Obama administration is briefing industry on a new energy strategy that could create a fast-track approval process for major transmission lines serving renewable energy projects, according to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission staff comments on the plan.

  • Son launches Japan renewables push with Asia 'supergrid' call
    Oct 5, 2011 - rechargenews.com

    Launching the Japan Renewable Energy Foundation (JREF), Masayoshi Son, Softbank’s founder and chief executive, claimed the country could shift 60% of its power production to renewables over the next two decades with the help of a ¥2 trillion national onshore and offshore transmission network.

  • Condemning Private Property to Build Transmission
    Sep 21, 2011 - Ken Silverstein - renewablesbiz.com

    A transmission case in Montana is getting ensnared in both the state capitol and in the local court house. It’s centered on “eminent domain” -- whether state law allows energy developers to take private property for public use.

  • Can CSP Settle in India?
    Sept. 20, 2011 - Keith Lovegrove - renewableenergyworld.com

    India, possessing great potential and more than enough suitable land with sufficient solar resources, is well-placed to allow CSP to make a very major contribution to its national energy supply. A new IT Power report looks into the encouraging factors and the barriers for deployment.

  • Afghanistan rejects Tajik electricity
    Sept. 20, 2011 - vestnikkavkaza.net

    The next round of negotiations between Tajik and Afghan energy ministries on export of electricity power from Tajikistan to Afghanistan failed. The Afghan side demands guaranties on providing electricity power all the year round. Tajikistan cannot guarantee the export all the year round, as the republic experiences lack of electricity power in autumn and winter.

  • House Panel Looks For Ways To Protect US Electricity Grid
    Sept. 16, 2011 - foxbusiness.com

    WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- A U.S. House panel on Tuesday considered how to kickstart legislation aimed at better protecting the nation's electricity grid.

  • Rifkin: Only an 'energy internet' can save us
    Sept. 16, 2011 - ElectricityPolicy.com

    This year has seen ever-higher prices at the pump, rebels seizing Libyan oilfields and a nuclear facility crippled in Japan. Yet few have realized that these disparate events are part of a larger unfolding drama. Our global energy economy, long-powered by fossil fuels and nuclear, is spiraling into a dangerous and unstable endgame.

  • Bangledesh (BERC) urged to build inter-country energy cooperation
    Sep 8, 2011 - thefinancialexpress-bd.com

    Prime Minister's Energy Adviser Dr Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury Monday urged the country's energy regulator to build inter-country cooperation with the regulators of the neighbours.

  • US government invests US$27 million to help eliminate solar installation red tape
    Sept. 07, 2011 - Chris Whitmore - pvtech.org

    As part of its SunShot Initiative, the US government is allocating more than US$27 million in funding to bring down the non-hardware installation costs of solar energy projects. Up to US$12.5 million of this will be assigned to the Rooftop Solar Challenge, which will help eliminate the administrative barriers for small-scale systems, while the remaining US$15 million is being used to streamline the installation process for local governments.

  • Salazar Approves Major Renewable Energy Projects, Identifies Next Step in Solar Energy Development
    Aug 19, 2011 - doi.gov

    Projects to generate 1,300 Jobs, 550 MW of clean power; Supplement to Solar PEIS will offer greater clarity for solar development in the West.

  • The Real Story About the Risks of Fracking
    Aug 19, 2011 - Richard Liroff - greenbiz.com

    Sorting out the competing claims regarding fracking (hydraulic fracturing) for natural gas sure is challenging..

  • UN says green energy investment at record level
    Aug 11, 2011 - google.com

    PARIS — Investment in renewable energy last year amounted to a record 211 billion dollars, a rise of 32 percent over 2009 and 540 percent over 2004, a UN-backed report said on Thursday.

  • Merkel: binding, verifiable climate targets needed
    Aug 11, 2011 - cbsnews.com

    (AP) BERLIN (AP) — All nations must commit to binding and verifiable goals to reduce their carbon emissions to reach a new international climate agreement as the Kyoto Protocol expires next year, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Sunday.

  • Green Jobs Are Real: German and American Solar Industry Both Employ More People Than U.S. Steel Production
    Aug 9, 2011 - Stephen Lacy - renewableenergyworld.com

    Washington, D.C., United States – With roughly 93,500 direct and indirect jobs, the American solar industry now employs about 9,200 more workers than the U.S. steel production sector, according to 2010 Bureau of Labor Statistics. The American steel industry has historically been a symbol of the country's industrial might and economic prosperity. But today, the solar industry has the potential to overtake that image as we build a new, clean-energy economy.

  • Australia's solar industry welcomes new carbon tax
    Aug 9, 2011 - Emma Hughes - pv-tech.org

    Following months of tense negotiation between the minority Labour Government and the Green and independent MPs, Australia's prime minister Julia Gillard yesterday revealed the 'Strong Growth, Low Pollution' report, which models how the country's economy can continue to grow at the same time as reducing carbon pollution with a carbon price. The new tax, which will come into effect from July next year, will hit Australia's top 500 emitters with an AUD$23 per tonne carbon tax.

  • Department of Energy Commits Support for Landmark Rooftop Solar Project
    Aug 9, 2011 - globalenergywatch.com

    Largest Rooftop Project in U.S. History Will Enable Wide Distribution of Solar Power Across Country While Creating at Least a Thousand Jobs

  • From King Coal to Carbon Tax: A Historical Perspective on the Energy and Climate-Change Debate
    Aug 9, 2011 - Paul Sabin - thesolutionsjournal.com

    Current climate and energy policy debates in the United States rarely involve historians. If you search the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2007 synthesis report, you will not find the words history or historical. Even so, history pervades climate and energy policy discussions. History guides policy choices, inspires proposals for action, and structures institutional development.

  • Power Interconnection Project Costly but Needed
    Aug 9, 2011 - George Mhango - ipsnews.net

    BLANTYRE, Malawi , Jun 27, 2011 (IPS) - In Malawi's administrative and commercial capitals, Lilongwe and Blantyre, two things are clear, especially at night: blackouts and the sound of generators in various workplaces.

  • N.J. and France Ban Fracking While N.Y. Is About to Lift Fracking Moratorium
    Aug 9, 2011 - powermag.com

    Last week, New Jersey's Legislature passed legislation that affirmed the state's involvement in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and banned the natural gas drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Neighboring New York, meanwhile, is poised to lift a moratorium on new shale gas drilling, and France has become the first country to ban fracking.

  • Scottish 2020 Routemap for 100% renewable electricity
    Aug 5, 2011 - renewableenergyfocus.com

    The Scottish Government has released its 2020 Routemap for 100% renewable electricity and 30% overall renewable energy in Scotland by 2020.

  • Global consumers crave green energy in survey-Vestas
    Aug 5, 2011 - af.reuters.com

    NEW YORK, June 28 (Reuters) - Consumers around the world overwhelmingly support the rollout of renewable energy, but many have mistaken views about "green" products, according to a survey conducted by TNS Gallup for Vestas Wind Systems.

  • Italy’s new austerity plan could hit solar with further cuts
    Aug 4, 2011 - Chris Whitmore - pv-tech.org

    The final version of Italy's deficit-reduction plan has imposed further reductions on renewable energy incentives, reports Reuters. If confirmed, the new legislation could see incentives to renewable energy companies paid for by consumers on their electricity bills slashed by as much as 30%.

  • New York's Latest Energy Bill Better for the Environment and the Economy
    Aug 4, 2011 - Nathanael Baker - energyboom.com

    The Governor of New York has signed a new law which promotes the adoption of low carbon energy and energy efficient technologies through all sectors of the economy.

  • US$1.2 billion DOE loan guarantee offered to Abengoa for 280MW project
    Jul 21, 2011 - Chris Whitmore - pv-tech.org

    The US Department of Energy (DOE) has offered a conditional loan guarantee totalling US$1.2 billion to help build a 280MW Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plant in southern California. If confirmed, the DOE guarantee will help fund the construction and start-up of Abengoa’s Mojave Solar Project (MSP), which is to be located around 100 miles northeast of Los Angeles in San Bernardino County.

  • The Fastest Growing Industry
    Jul 2, 2011 - Bill Opalka - renewablesbiz.com

    Solar power may be the fastest growing industry in the country, says one of its leading proponents. The base from which it is growing may be small, but the rate of increased is unmatched in the renewables space.

  • California's Grid Plan Ready for Renewable Power Influx
    Jun 10, 2011 - BUSINESS WIRE - energycentral.com

    The California Independent System Operator Corporation (ISO) Board of Governors yesterday approved the 2010-2011 Transmission Plan that includes 33 grid upgrades for addressing future reliability and policy-driven needs worth $1.2 billion. The approval provides a timely decision that will aid renewable power projects seeking financing. The ISO accelerated its planning process by six months so that American Recovery and Reinvestment Act projects could meet eligibility criteria.

  • Ecuador adopts feed-in tariffs
    June 8, 2011 - Paul Gipe - renewableenergyfocus.com

    The programme by the South American country of 15 million people includes multiple technologies, including solar photovoltaics (PV). Biomass-biogas and hydro projects are further differentiated by size.

  • Economic Opportunities and Environmental Benefits Identified in the Intersection Between Energy and Water
    June 5, 2011 - aceee.org

    WASHINGTON, D.C.and CHICAGO, Illinois—A panel of national experts on energy and water efficiency has developed a blueprint for realizing the substantial economic and environmental benefits to the nation from a combined approach towards more efficient water and energy systems. These experts were jointly convened by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) and the Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE), leading national research institutes focused respectively on energy and water efficiency, to address opportunities that could result from exploring the connections between energy and water. The outcome of this joint process, A Blueprint for Action and Policy Agenda, was released today.

  • Historic climate change deal with legal powers agreed by Cabinet
    June 4, 2011 - just4theplanet.com

    Chris Huhne will announce a long-term programme that will put Britain at the forefront of the battle against climate change

  • Report: New Transmission Translates Into Jobs
    June 4, 2011 - renewgridmag.com

    U.S. annual investment in new electric transmission facilities could soon reach $12 billion to $16 billion, resulting in $30 billion to $40 billion in annual economic activity, says a new study conducted by The Brattle Group and commissioned by WIRES. This translates into support for 150,000 to 200,000 new full-time jobs in the U.S. in each of the next 20 years and between 20,000 and 50,000 new jobs each year in Canada, the report adds.

  • Japan says nuclear policy must be reviewed from scratch
    May 25, 2011 - Chikako Mogi and Yoko Kubota - Reuters - trust.org

    TOKYO - Prime Minister Naoto Kan said on Tuesday that renewable energy would be a key pillar of Japan's energy policy after the world's worst nuclear crisis in 25 years and that its nuclear policy must be reviewed from scratch.

  • Italy has a new FiT
    May 25, 2011 - Mark Osborne - pv-tech.org

    Consultations and deliberations are now over as the Italian Council of Ministers signed on a new Conto Energia IV, effective on June 1, 2011. Since a review was announced the Italian market has effectively been frozen, especially for commercial and utility-scale projects, causing the PV supply chain to balloon with module inventory some market researchers have put at between 2 - 3GW. The situation was exacerbated by the slow start in PV installations in Germany this year.

  • A Hidden Renewable Resource
    May 22, 2011 - Bill Opalka - renewablesbiz.com

    A “hidden resource” for clean power generation is being promoted in Congress and throughout the states, one that its supporters point out is being wasted without anyone noticing. The waste heat from industrial processes now has an advocacy group and a fledgling effort to get it recognized where financial players would notice–in the tax code.

  • Gregoire signs bill to phase out coal power
    May 22, 2011 - Puget Sound Business Journal - bizjournals.com

    Washington state Gov. Chris Gregoire signed legislation today to close two coal-fired boilers at the TransAlta power plant in Centralia, the last coal-fired plant in the state, with the aim of replacing them with cleaner energy. The boilers will be closed in 2020 and 2025, respectively.

  • No big shifts to nation's energy supply by 2035, report says
    May 22, 2011 - Ariel Schwartz - environmentalleader.com

    The current energy landscape is rife with contradictions: Gas prices are shooting up, renewables are being implemented at a seemingly rapid pace, natural gas is being simultaneously demonized and hailed as an energy savior, and electric cars are finally starting to roll off production lines. Fortunately, your tax dollars fund a government agency devoted to making sense of energy.

  • Fed Carbon Footprint: 121.3 Million Metric Tons; Lion’s Share is DOD
    May 21, 2011 - environmentalleader.com

    The federal government’s 2010 “reducible” emissions totaled 66.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, according to The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), which is a reduction of GHG pollution by 2.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from its 2008 baseline.

  • National Coal Expert: "Mining is a Loser" in Practically Every Way
    May 21, 2011 - Mike Casey - renewableenergyworld.com

    Anytime coal’s cost to America is discussed, the coal industry reflexively talks about what an economic lifeline it is for the states in which it operates. Headwaters Economics, a Bozeman-based think tank focusing on natural resource issues, has a solid new study that’s getting national attention for undercutting those claims. For instance, the Headwaters study finds that “[f]ossil fuel production has not insulated energy-producing states from fiscal crisis,” that “[f]ossil fuel extraction has a limited influence at the state level on economic indicators such as GDP by state, personal income, and employment,” and that “[t]he volatility of fossil fuel markets poses obstacles to the stability and long-term security of economic growth in energy-producing regions.”

  • Malaysia Adopts Sophisticated System of Feed-in Tariffs
    May 15, 2011 - Paul Gipe - wind-works.org

    Joining several other Asian countries, Malaysia's parliament has approved a sophisticated system of feed-in tariffs to develop its renewable energy resources.

  • Climate change panel: renewable energy to be key
    May 15, 2011 - Associated Press - energycentral.com

    The world's top scientific body concluded that renewable energy in the coming decades will be widespread and could one day represent the dominant source for powering factories and lighting homes, according to a draft report obtained by The Associated Press Thursday.

  • Bulgaria to encourage energy production from renewable sources
    May 15, 2011 - Xinhua - energycentral.com

    A new law that encourages energy production from renewable sources entered into force in Bulgaria on Tuesday.

  • Culver: Iowa a model for renewable energy policy
    May 14, 2011 - McClatchy-Tribune Regional News - Adam B. Sullivan - energycentral.com

    Former Gov. Chet Culver says other states should look to Iowa's wind energy success as a model for building renewable energy industries.

  • Army Going Net Zero on Environmental Impact
    May 14, 2011 - sustainablebusiness.com

    This week, the US Army announced that six bases will go "net zero" energy by producing all the energy they consume on site.

  • Condemning Private Property to Build Transmission
    May 11, 2011 - Ken Silverstein - energybiz.com

    A transmission case in Montana is getting ensnared in both the state capitol and in the local court house. It’s centered on “eminent domain” -- whether state law allows energy developers to take private property for public use.

  • California is expanding its carbon-trading program to three Canadian provinces
    May 08, 2011 - energycentral.com

    California officials announced Tuesday that the state will expand its newly adopted carbon-trading program to three Canadian provinces, creating the largest regional cap-and-trade system in North America.

  • California’s Governor Brown signs alternative energy bill
    May 08, 2011 - Syanne Olson - pv-tech.org

    During SunPower and Flextronics dedication ceremony for its new 75MW module manufacturing plant, attendee Governor Edmund “Jerry” Brown signed a new energy bill into law mandating that one-third of California’s electricity must come from renewable resources, such as solar and wind, by 2020. Before the new legislation was signed into action, California had a 20% renewables portfolio standard set for 2010; the 13% increase gives California until December 31, 2020 to meet the new goal 33% standard.

  • Calif. sets nation's highest renewable power goals
    May 04, 2011 - energycentral.com

    Gov. Jerry Brown on Tuesday signed legislation requiring California utilities to get one-third of their power from renewable sources, giving the state the most aggressive alternative energy mandate in the U.S.

  • Study: Gas from ‘fracking’ worse than coal on climate
    May 01, 2011 - Ben Geman - thehill.com

    Cornell University professors will soon publish research that concludes natural gas produced with a drilling method called “hydraulic fracturing” contributes to global warming as much as coal, or even more.

  • Obama sets ambitious goal to reduce US oil imports
    Apr 27, 2011 - Julie Pace - Associated Press - energycentral.com

    Seeking to show the public he understands the burden of rising gas prices, President Barack Obama set an ambitious goal of reducing U.S. oil imports by one-third by 2025, and vowed to break through the political gridlock that has stymied similar initiatives for decades.

  • Recovery Act Stimulates Green Energy
    Apr 27, 2011 - energybiz.com

    Called the Greatest Green Bill Ever

  • Clean Energy Transmission Principles
    Apr 27, 2011 - cfra.org

    New investment in clean energy transmission will be needed to maximize renewable energy development to meet renewable electric standards, facilitate the retirement of coal plants, increase the reliability of our electric transmission grid and more fully integrate renewable power.

  • Constellation Energy and U.S. Department of State Sign Innovative Agreement That Will Spur Development of Solar, Wind Facilities
    Apr 20, 2011 - energycentral.com

    Solyndra has developed a new solar application for agricultural greenhouse and shade structures that takes advantage of the ability of light to pass through Solyndra’s proven tubular thin-film PV panel design. Research CeRSAA in Italy and the Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis, have confirmed the improved nature of the panel design and its ability to support crop growth underneath while generating electricity.

  • U.S. drops to 3rd in clean-energy investment: Pew
    Apr 16, 2011 - Timothy Gardner - reuters.com

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States fell one spot to third place in clean-energy investment last year as the lack of a national energy policy hurt purchases in wind and solar power and other technologies, a report said on Tuesday.

  • California Assembly approves higher renewable energy standard
    Apr 16, 2011 - Dana Hull - mercurynews.com

    California's Assembly on Tuesday approved one of the most ambitious renewable energy programs in the nation, sending the landmark legislation to the desk of Gov. Jerry Brown, who has said he'll sign the bill.

  • US Names 19 Priority Renewable Energy Projects Proposed For Public Land
    Mar 13, 2011 - Dow Jones & Company, Inc. - energycentral.com

    The U.S. Interior Department said Tuesday it has selected 19 solar, wind and geothermal-power projects proposed for public land as priority projects that could receive construction permits by the end of this year.

  • Federal Transmission under Microscope
    Mar 13, 2011 - Bill Opalka - energybiz.com

    Transmission policy is the next battleground in the ongoing debate over the federal role in the electric utility industry. And the dispute isn’t just some philosophical discussion about directives from Washington, it’s something more basic. It’s about money.

  • Energy Law Alert: Ninth Circuit Decision Further Dismantles an Already Weakened Federal Transmission Siting Authority
    Feb 19, 2011 - Stoel Rives, LLP

    Congress' experiment with establishing federal siting authority for transmission lines suffered another setback after a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decision issued yesterday, February 1, 2011, vacated the Department of Energy's ("DOE") 2007 Transmission Congestion Study (the "Congestion Study") that had designated national interest electric transmission corridors in mid-Atlantic and Southwestern states. This ruling is the latest of three court and agency decisions that have limited or undermined the federal siting authority established at Federal Power Act section 216 by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 ("EPAct 2005").

  • Cost of Electric Power Report: Enormous Health and Water Impacts of Coal and Nuclear Power 'Hidden' From Consumers
    Feb 16, 2011 - prnewswire.com

    WASHINGTON: An astounding 200 billion gallons of water withdrawn from America's water supply each day … annual costs to society from premature deaths due to power plant pollution so high that they are up to four times the price of all electricity produced in the U.S. … and four metric tons of high-level radioactive wastes for every terawatt of electricity produced by nuclear reactors, even though there is no long-term storage solution in place. These are just some of the little understood and largely "hidden" water, health and other costs from U.S. coal and nuclear electricity production detailed in a new analysis released today by Synapse Energy Economics, Inc., for the nonprofit and nonpartisan Civil Society Institute (CSI) think tank. The Synapse report for CSI also outlines the considerable health impacts of the nation's current reliance on coal and nuclear power.

  • Secretary Chu Announces New Efforts to Promote Clean Energy in Tribal Communities
    Feb 13, 2011 - Energy.gov

    WASHINGTON - U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced today two new initiatives to promote tribal energy development and continue strengthening the partnership between the Department of Energy and tribal nations. Up to $10 million will be available this year through DOE's Tribal Energy Program to support the evaluation, development and deployment of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects on tribal lands that will help save energy and money, expand the use of renewable energy resources, and promote economic development for tribal communities.

  • Departments of Energy and Commerce Announce New Partnership to Further Cooperation on Renewable Energy Modeling and Forecasting
    Jan 25, 2011 - Energy.gov

    The Department of Energy and the Department of Commerce today announced a new agreement to further collaboration between the agencies on renewable energy modeling and weather forecasting, which will help enable the nation's renewable energy resources to be used more effectively by business and entrepreneurs.

  • Are SREC's the Future of U.S. Solar Policy?
    Jan 21, 2011 - Stephen Lacey - RenewableEnergyWorld.com

    SREC-based solar programs are increasingly popular. As pioneering states get more experience, many are wondering if SREC-only structures will win out, or if a hybrid approach will be the best solution

  • Government Policies Can Shift Southern US from Coal to Renewables
    Jan 13, 2011 - Robert Kropp - Reuters - Greenbiz.com

    It is widely agreed that strategies addressing climate change through the adoption of renewable energy technologies cannot succeed without the active participation of governments and regulators.

  • Current Government Policies Inadequate to Address Climate Chane - IEA
    Dec 6, 2010 - Energy Central

    The broad greenhouse gas policy commitments and plans of countries around the world will not be sufficient to avoid significant increases in average global temperatures, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

  • World Should Eradicate Fossil Fuel Subsidies - IEA
    Nov 17, 2010 - Gerard Wynn - First Enercast Financial

    Abolishing fossil fuel subsidies would boost the world's economy, environment and energy security, the International Energy Agency said on Tuesday, referring to a pledge made by G20 countries.

  • Feed-in tariffs in Germany: consumers are paying the price for renewable energy development
    Oct 27, 2010 - Data Monitor - Energy Central

    The German Renewable Act has successfully increased renewable energy capacity from 6% of total generation capacity in 2000 to 16% in 2009. However, in order to compensate for higher demand, lower wholesale prices and last year's levy deficit, German consumers will have to foot a bill of E13.5 billion in 2011. This should be a warning to other countries of the immediate costs of such policies.

  • UK government decides against solar feed-in tariff cuts
    Oct 22, 2010 - Síle Mc Mahon - pv-tech.org

    The UK's Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, announced the coalition government's Comprehensive Spending review, revealing that there will be no immediate cuts to the country's solar feed-in tariff, according to PV-Tech's UK sister site, Solar Power Portal.

  • Pentagon says "imperative" to go green
    Oct 20, 2010 - Xinhua

    U.S. Defense Department on Wednesday convened its first energy security forum, with Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, saying the U.S. military has a "strategic imperative" in environmental conservation.

  • Puerto Rico Aggressively Pursuing Renewable Energy
    Jul 30, 2010 - Puerto Rico - Department of Economic Development and Commerce - energycentral.com

    In order to promote and facilitate the development of renewable energy sources in Puerto Rico, the Government of Puerto Rico is establishing and implementing a series of new policies that will create the necessary legal framework to spearhead said development.

  • Italian government plans to slice country’s feed-in tariff rates
    Jul 26, 2010 - Emma Hughes - pv-tech.org

    In a bid to stabilize the solar photovoltaics market, the Italian government recently announced that it will reinstate guaranteed purchases of green certificates in Italy for 2010; it now plans to cut the feed-in tariff payments for power from solar photovoltaic plants beginning in 2011, reports Bloomberg.

    Economic Benefits of a Comprehensive Feed-In Tariff: An Analysis of the REESA in California
    Jul 12, 2010 - Max Wei - Daniel M. Kammen - fitcoalition.com

    In this analysis we estimate that the Feed-In Tariff (FIT) enacted by the Renewable Energy and Economic Stimulus Act (REESA) will have a range of economic benefits to the state of California

  • Salazar Signs Agreement with 10 East Coast Governors to Establish Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Consortium
    Jun 23, 2010 - doi.gov

    Announces New Atlantic Offshore Renewable Energy Office

  • White paper calls for promotion of renewable energy
    Jun 21, 2010 - The Associated Press

    Japan needs to promote the use of renewable energy including wind and solar power to secure a stable energy supply amid a rise in global energy demand due to rapid growth in China and other emerging economies, a government white paper said Tuesday.

  • Energy economist pushes for end to fossil-fuel subsidies
    Jun 21, 2010 - Bloomberg news - Tulsa World

    The International Energy Agency's chief economist is calling on leaders of the Group of 20 Nations to fulfill their pledge to end fossil-fuel subsidies, a move he says will cut oil demand and greenhouse-gas emissions.

  • World Bank Offers Implementation Guidance for Offshore And Large Scale Onshore Wind Power Development in China
    Jun 18, 2010 - M2 Presswire - Energy Central

    The World Bank launched two new reports on wind power today. The reports, titled 'Regulatory Review of Offshore Wind in Five European Countries' and 'Strategic Guidance,' present examples and options for consideration by China in meeting the challenges of offshore and large scale onshore wind power development.

  • Czech Republic in violation of EU directives in order to stop solar boom
    May 26, 2010 - Emma Hughes - PV-tech.org

    Leading Czech photovoltaic experts addressed the European Commission with a request to review a brand-new decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) of the Czech Republic regulating the construction of new solar photovoltaic power plants in the country.  Based on this decree, all PV plants installed in the Czech Republic from June onward that have a total output of more than 30kWp will have to adhere to very strict requirements related to using PV modules containing only solar cells with very high conversion efficiencies, namely 22% for monocrystalline cells and 16% for polycrystalline or thin-film cells.

  • Local Governments Lead Efforts to Combat Climate Change
    May 25, 2010 - Douglas Fischer - The Daily Climate - scientificamerican.com  

    Local governments serve as idea labs for federal lawmakers as they consider changes to national climate and energy reform.

  • Electric Power Monthly
    May 24, 2010 - eia.doe.gov

    Electric Power Monthly with data for February 2010

  • Study Says American Power Act Will Work
    May 21, 2010 - SustainableBusiness.com News

    The Peterson Institute for International Economics released the first comprehensive study of American Power Act proposed last week by Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), finding that it would create 220,000 and cut greenhouse gas emissions 22% below 2005 levels by 2020.

  • California ISO Board Approves Two Ways to Green the Grid
    May 18, 2010 - Business Wire

    The California ISO Board of Governors today approved two key changes that will help integrate renewable generating resources like wind, solar and geothermal onto the power grid faster and more efficiently. As California adds more renewable generation, these resources will replace some of the conventional generation that California has relied on for decades. The shift promises significant environmental benefits, but it also poses challenges because renewable resources are often located in remote areas. Additionally, wind and solar produce energy intermittently.

  • Business Leaders Urge Senators To Pass Comprehensive Energy And Climate Legislation
    May 17, 2010 - PRNewswire - energycentral.com

    Representatives of We Can Lead, a coalition of more than 150 major U.S. businesses, including NRG Energy, Virgin America, PSEG, Target, eBay and Exelon, today welcomed the introduction of a proposed framework for comprehensive energy and climate legislation, introduced by Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Joseph Lieberman (I-CT).

  • EIA Examines the Impacts of Alternate Future Scenarios on Energy Trends
    May 17, 2010 - energycentral.com

    How will various scenarios for future economic growth and energy policies affect the projected U.S. energy use in 2035?

  • Is Interstate Transmission Really the Answer?
    May 11, 2010 - Bill Opalka - renewablesbiz.com

    There seems to be a widespread belief that wind energy from the nation's heartland could supply electricity to both coasts with minimal losses if the transmission infrastructure was built out...

  • Current Siting Issues Under NEPA and Other Significant Federal Legislation
    May 12, 2010 - Stoel Rives

    Join Stoel Rives renewable energy attorneys Erin Anderson, Barbara Brenner, and Michael O'Connell for this EUCI-sponsored webinar on Wednesday, May 19. They will be speaking on CURRENT SITING ISSUES UNDER NEPA AND OTHER SIGNIFICANT FEDERAL LEGISLATION. This webinar will appeal to anyone involved in and with renewable energy.

  • Obama Backs ‘Significantly’ Higher Spill Damage Cap
    May 10, 2010 - Julianna Goldman and Lisa Lerer - Bloomberg

    The Obama administration is backing “significantly” higher limits for damages BP Plc might face for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and won’t rule out scaling back plans to expand offshore drilling.

  • 2010 Deep Research Report on China PV Power Station
    May 6 , 2010 - researchandmarkets.org

    China has become the largest Solar Cell Module producer in the world since 2008, and this figure includes the output of Taiwan, which accounted for 40% in the worldwide.

  • Department of Defense Embracing Clean Energy
    May 5, 2010 - Brandon MacGillis - pewtrusts.org

    The Department of Defense has initiated ambitious clean energy programs in service of economic, security and environmental goals according to “Reenergizing America’s Defense,” a report released today by the Pew Project on National Security, Energy and Climate.

  • New Study Examines Transportation’s Role in Reducing U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions
    May 5, 2010 - DOT.gov

    A number of strategies can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, such as using low-carbon fuels, increasing vehicle fuel economy, improving system efficiency and reducing travel that involves high levels of carbon emissions, according to a report released today by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).

  • Half a trillion spent on fossil fuel subsidies mostly "a complete waste of money"
    May 5, 2010 - Jeremy Hance - mongabay.com

    Despite a warming planet linked to the burning of fossil fuels, governments around the world still spend 500 billion US dollars a year subsidizing fossil fuel industries.

  • Nova Scotia says it's setting most aggressive renewable power targets in Canada
    Mai 3, 2010 - Michael MacDonald - The Associated Press

    It may be Canada's second-smallest province, but Nova Scotia is planning to become a green giant when it comes to renewable energy.

  • CEE next big market for renewable energy
    Mai 3, 2010 - renewableenergyfocus.com

    Central and Eastern and Europe (CEE) is boosting its renewable energy market making it attractive for investors and suppliers, according to analysts Frost & Sullivan.

  • Cleantech thriving in California under AB 32, shows data
    Apr 28, 2010 - Dallas Kachan - Cleantech Group

    Strong cleantech investment continues in California, notes Cleantech Group's Dallas Kachan, despite clashes over whether to pull the plug on the state's landmark climate change legislation.

  • Nova Scotia To Launch Community-Based Feed-in Tariffs
    Apr 26, 2010 - Paul Gipe

    As part of Nova Scotia's Renewable Electricity Plan announced today, the province in Eastern Canada will implement a series of feed-in tariffs for locally-owned projects.

  • KEMA helps utilities define generation strategies, mitigate risk in face of uncertain carbon future
    Apr 17, 2010 - renewablesbiz.com

    KEMA is helping utilities tackle generation portfolio operational- and cost-based risks associated with the uncertain carbon future.

  • Govt wants 50 percent of new cars green by '20
    Apr 13, 2010 - McClatchy-Tribune - The Yomiuri Shimbun

    The Economy, Trade and Industry Ministry has announced a strategy that calls for boosting eco-friendly vehicles' share of domestic new car sales to as high as 50 percent by 2020, from the current 9 percent.

  • USDA, NAVY Launches Effort to Encourage the Development and Use of Renewable Energy
    Apr 6, 2010 - Justin DeJong - Grace Hew-Len - usda.gov

    New Initiative Will Enable Biofuels to Power Navy Fleet, Spur Economic Opportunity in Rural America

  • UK finally FiT for solar power incentives
    Apr 1, 2010 - Emma Hughes - pv-tech.org

    It may seem to some that introducing the UK's feed-in tariff on April fool's day is a bit of a dig in the ribs, since the country has waited so long to catch up with its European counterparts in the renewable energy world.

  • President Obama opens new areas to offshore drilling
    Apr 1, 2010 - Juliet Eilperin and Anne E. Kornblut - washingtonpost.com

    President Obama's decision, announced Wednesday, to approve new oil and gas drilling off U.S. coasts for the first time in decades reflects a high-stakes calculation by the White House: Splitting the difference on the most contentious energy issues could help secure a bipartisan climate deal this year.

  • Guide to Purchasing Green Power Updated
    Mar 31, 2010 - EPA - GreenPower

    Through the collaborative efforts of EPA’s Green Power Partnership, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program, the World Resources Institute, and the Center for Resource Solutions the Guide to Purchasing Green Power has been updated to include new and updated information on green power purchasing.

  • Governor Signs Two Bills to Spur Renewables, Green Manufacturing
    Mar 31, 2010 - California Energy Markets

    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Monday signed SB X8 34, a bill designed to expedite the licensing of large solar-power plants in the desert and create a state-run mitigation program for environmental impacts. On Wednesday Schwarzenegger signed SB 71, a measure that would eliminate sales and use taxes on clean-technology manufacturing equipment.

  • Treasury Revises Guidance Concerning “Beginning of Construction”
    Mar 30, 2010 - Stoel Rives LLP

    The Treasury Department recently revised its guidance concerning the “beginning of construction” requirement for qualifying for the cash grant in lieu of tax credits (the Treasury Grant) for certain renewable energy projects placed in service after 2010. The revised guidance is generally favorable to applicants.

  • EPA Issues Controversial Greenhouse Gas Interpretive Ruling
    Mar 30, 2010 - Stoel Rives LLP

    On March 29th EPA signed a long-awaited interpretive ruling regarding when and how facilities that emit greenhouse gases will be subject to permitting under Title V and Major New Source Review.

  • Developments in the Evaluation of GHG Emissions Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
    Mar 26, 2010 - Stoel Rives

    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are now recognized as an environmental impact under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and state analogs such as the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act (MEPA).

  • US House Energy Panel Approves Electricity Grid Security Bill
    Mar 24, 2010 - Ian Talley - Dow Jones

    A U.S. House of Representatives energy committee Wednesday approved a bill giving federal regulators greater authority to protect the nation's electricity infrastructure from attacks through the Internet.

  • Energy and climate to dominate European Council agenda
    Mar 24, 2010 - EWEA

    Tomorrow, energy will top the agenda when EU Heads of State meet in Brussels to discuss a new European strategy for jobs and growth, and to follow-up on the failed Copenhagen conference on climate change.

  • Report: Chinese Policies Could Hurt U.S. Renewable Industries
    Mar 24, 2010 - EERE Network News

    China has enacted a series of policies that have made it one of the largest consumers of renewable energy in the world, but the country has also moved steadily to shut out foreign participation in its renewable energy market, according to a new report commissioned by the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC).

  • FERC Issues Orders Changing Reporting Requirements for Generator Sites and Exempting Facilities 1 MW or Less from QF Filing Requirements
    Mar 23, 2010 - Stoel Rives

    On March 18 and 19, 2010, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (the "Commission") issued a pair of orders that impact generation developers.

  • More US companies show interest in renewable energy
    Mar 18, 2010 - renewableenergyfocus.com

    Half of the US companies which currently do not support renewable energy are considering options to generate or buy renewable energy, or at least to purchase renewable energy credits.

  • World Bank warns of energy crunch in Eastern Europe, Central Asia
    Mar 18, 2010 - Xinhua

    Eastern Europe and Central Asia may face an energy crunch by 2030 due to rising consumption unless massive investments are made to unlock capacity, the World Bank has warned in a report released here Thursday.

  • Rejecting renewables: The socio-technical impediments to renewable electricity in the United States
    Mar 18, 2010 - Benjamin K.Sovacool - sciencedirect.com

    Energy Governance Program, Centre on Asia and Globalisation, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore

  • Renewable energy in Australia is “largely undeveloped”
    Mar 17, 2010 - renewableenergyfocus.com

    The Government of Australia has released its first national Energy Resource Assessment, concluding that wind energy and other renewable energy sources are expected to become increasingly significant.

  • California Public Utilities Commission Decision Allows Tradable Renewable Energy Credits
    Mar 17, 2010 - Stoel Rives

    The decision had been a long time in coming. The legislature had authorized the CPUC to allow the use of TRECS in 2006. On October 29, 2008, the CPUC issued its first proposed decision authorizing the use of TRECs.

  • Czech politicians give the go-ahead for feed-in tariff cuts
    Mar 17, 2010 - Emma Hughes - pv-tech.org

    Lower house politicians in the Czech Republic have now approved a law to cut the incentives for solar energy production in a bid to control the expected rise in solar installations. The Czech Republic's Prime Minister, Jan Fischer, first called for the cuts earlier this month.

  • Spain establishes int'l center for renewable energy
    Mar 16, 2010 -- Xinhua

    Spanish Vice President Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega on Tuesday approved the opening of an International Center for Renewable Energy (CICER) in Valencia.

  • European offshore supergrid organisation set up
    Mar 8, 2010 - renewableenergyfocus.com

    An organisation to progress policy towards construction of a pan-European offshore supergrid, Friends of the Supergrid, has been set up.

  • UK Government: Assessing English regional renewable potential
    Mar 5, 2010 - M2 Presswire

    New guidelines published today will help regional authorities assess the potential for renewable and low-carbon energy in their area.

  • Groundbreaking Study Finds
    Mar 4, 2010 - John Blackburn, Ph.D. - ieer.org

    Solar and wind power can supply the vast majority of North Carolina's electricity needs, according to a major report released today.

  • Renewable Energy Law Alert: Proposed Legislation to Limit ITC Grants for Renewable Projects
    Mar 4, 2010 - Stoel Rives

    Senator Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) and three other Democratic senators have joined to propose legislation that would place limitations on the grant in lieu of tax credits for renewable energy projects under section 1603 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

  • Screening tool for renewable energy
    Feb 25, 2010- renewable energy Focus

    A US report evaluates numerous factors to determine how western states can source 33% of their electricity from new renewable energy resources.

  • Italy’s FiT cuts will be less than expected
    Feb 23, 2010 - Emma Hughes - pv-tech.org

    Reuters has reported that the Italian government plans to reduce the cuts it previously announced to solar incentives, according to the latest draft of a decree obtained on February 22.

  • Bonds authorised for renewable energy
    Feb 17, 2010 - Renewable Energy Focus

    The US government has funded 16 native tribes to issue bonds for renewable energy facilities.

  • Securities and Exchange Commission Releases Interpretive Guidance Regarding Climate Change
    Feb 12, 2010 - StelRives LLP

    As described in a previous alert, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) voted on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 to adopt an interpretive release to provide guidance on existing public company disclosure requirements as they apply to business or legal developments relating to climate change.

  • President Obama Announces Three Steps to Boost Biofuels
    Feb 10, 2010 - U.S. Department of Energy

    President Barack Obama announced on February 3 three actions that the federal government is taking to boost U.S. biofuels production. The measures include: the final rule from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to implement the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) of 36 billion gallons by 2022; a proposed rule from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for its Biomass Crop Assistance Program, which provides financing to increase the production of biomass for bioenergy (see separate article); and the release of Growing America's Fuel, the first report from the president's Biofuels Interagency Working Group. The report lays out a strategy to advance the development and commercialization of a sustainable biofuels industry.

  • Release: Sanders Introduces Major Solar Energy Initiative
    Feb 4, 2010 - Bernie Sanders

    Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), chairman of the Senate's green jobs subcommittee, today introduced legislation with nine cosponsors to encourage the installation of 10 million solar systems on the rooftops of homes and businesses over the next decade.

  • US Navy to halve fossil fuels by 2020
    Feb 2, 2010 - Carbon Positive

    The US Navy is to halve its use of fossil fuels by 2020 among a number of clean energy measures across the armed forces flagged in a major defence review paper released this week. On the way to the 2020 target, the Navy plans to deploy a “green” strike group by 2016 which will operate entirely without fossil fuels. It has already commissioned an electric-drive aircraft carrier, the USS Makin Island, and last year tested an F/A-18 fighter aircraft on a camelina-based biofuel blend.

  • Tables of Renewable Tariffs or Feed-In Tariffs Worldwide
    Feb 1, 2010 - Paul Gipe - wind-works.org

    These tables summarize tariffs for different technologies in different countries, and various states and provinces. The tables may also provide an overview of program details.

  • Obama Sets GHG Target
    Feb 1, 2010 - Renew Grid

    The federal government plans to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution by 28% by 2020, President Obama has announced. Actions taken under Executive Order 13514 on Federal Sustainability are designed to spur clean energy investments that create new private-sector jobs, drive long-term savings, build local market capacity, and foster innovation and entrepreneurship in clean energy industries, according to the White House.

  • UK renewable industry welcomes feed-in tariff
    Feb 1, 2010 - Renewable Energy Focus

    The UK renewable energy industry welcomes today’s announcement of the feed-in tariff for renewable and low carbon electricity, and the plans for low carbon heating incentives.

  • UK feed-in tariff is announced: payback begins April 1
    Feb 1, 2010 - Emma Hughes - PV-tech.org

    The UK feed-in tariff rates have now been finalized, offering its residents a financial incentive for producing renewable energy. The government has confirmed the proposed rate, which will begin to take effect from April 1, 2010.

  • Obama: Government To Cut CO2 Emissions 28% By 2020
    Jan 29, 2010 - Ian Talley - Siobhan Hughes - Dow Jones Newswires

    U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday ordered the federal government to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 28% by 2020, marking a new push toward energy efficiency and a greater reliance on low-carbon energy.

  • FERC Seeks Suggestions on Revising Transmission Tariffs to Break Down Barriers to Integration of Renewable Energy Resources
    Jan 22, 2010 - Stoel Rives

    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) issued a Notice of Inquiry on January 21, 2010, initiating a proceeding in which FERC welcomes public comment on whether existing rules, regulations, tariffs, and industry practices within FERC’s jurisdiction may be creating barriers against reliably and efficiently integrating variable energy resources (“VERs”) into the transmission grid. In this proceeding, FERC aims to reform regulatory, market, and operational practices that discriminate against VERs or result in unjust and unreasonable rates or terms of service. In addition, FERC will consider how North American Electric Reliability Corporation Reliability Standards should be modified or created in conjunction with other considered reforms.

  • Initial Recruitment Underway to Set Up Eastern Interconnection States' Planning Council
    Jan 20, 2010 - National Regulatory Research Institute

    The Eastern Interconnection planning initiative known as the Eastern Interconnection States' Planning Council (EISPC) is an historic endeavor, initially funded by an award from the United States Department of Energy (DOE) pursuant to a provision of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

  • Eleven Governors Commit to a Regional Low-Carbon Fuel Standard
    Jan 20, 2010 - EERE News

    Governors of 11 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on December 30 that commits their states to developing a regional low-carbon fuel standard, a market-based, fuel-neutral program addressing the carbon content of fuels.

  • Report: Appalachian states should look beyond coal
    Jan 19, 2010 - Vicki Smith - Associated Press

    Coal production in Central Appalachia is likely to continue its 12-year decline, and an environmental consulting firm said Tuesday it's time policy makers and legislators in four states work to diversify the region's economy.

  • German feed-in tariff cut will be 16-17% - updated
    Jan 19, 2010 - Emma Hughes - PV-tech

    After a fair amount of digging and the much needed help of our German correspondent we can now confirm that the reports of a 16-17% cut in feed-in tariff rate for Germany were true, and the cuts are to go ahead from April 1, 2010. Click here to see the analyst's thoughts on these cuts.

  • Major Investor Groups Urge Tougher Action On Climate Change
    Jan 14, 2010 - Naureen Malik - Dow Jones Newswires

    Investor groups representing $13 trillion in assets Thursday urged the U.S. and other governments to put in place stronger policies to curb climate change, warning political uncertainty surrounding the issue stunts development and exposes companies to considerable risk.

  • U.S. Incentives to Promote Clean Eenergy
    Jan 10, 2010 - Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.

    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) was passed in response to the worldwide economic crisis of 2008-2009 and contains various direct spending programs, tax incentives, grants, loans, loan guarantees, and bond programs to develop renewable and clean energy technologies.

  • PM Report: EPA gets tough on smog
    Jan 7, 2010 - The Wall Street Journal

    WSJ's Joe White reports the EPA is cracking down on smog, which he tells Simon Constable will affect business costs throughout the nation. Plus, the future of 3-D comes into focus at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

  • California processing 244 proposals for renewable energy facilities
    Jan 04, 2010 - renewableenergyfocus.com

    Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger says the projects represent 70,000 MW of capacity that will help the state meet its 2020 goal of one-third of power from renewables.

  • EPA, USDA push farmers to use coal waste on fields
    Dec 21, 2009 - Rick Callahan, AP

    The federal government is encouraging farmers to spread a chalky waste from coal-fired power plants on their fields to loosen and fertilize soil even as it considers regulating coal wastes for the first time.

  • Obama science advisor John Holdren on U.S. strategy in Copenhagen
    Dec 17, 2009 - The Grist

    COPENHAGEN­One of the puzzles about the U.S. strategy here in is how negotiators expected that pledging a 17 percent emissions reduction below 2005 levels by 2020 could be taken seriously. 

  • Australia shapes up FiT policies: national gross system on the horizon?
    Dec 16, 2009 - Emma hughes - PV-tech

    As we progress further into what will soon be 2010 - 'the year solar PV will take off', more changes are being made in the world of photovoltaics in Australia. This country has seen many changes to its renewable situation during 2009, with new feed-in tariffs announced, improved and tweaked as the continent moves towards its goal of a nationwide gross feed-in tariff scheme.

  • World mayors compare notes on saving climate
    Dec 15, 2009 - Jan M. Olsen and Charles J. Hanley - The Associated Press

    The Obama administration should have sent federal stimulus money not to the U.S. states, but to cities, where "most of the environmental damage is done and most of the chances for improvement are," New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Tuesday.

  • State Energy Plan Promotes Clean, Efficient Alternatives
    Dec 15, 2009 - Mireya Navarro - New York Times

    A New York State board has recommended a plan intended to make energy more affordable, efficient and environmentally friendly while helping to create jobs over the next 10 years, officials said.

  • Interior Secretary Outlines How to Use North American Continent to Combat Climate Change
    Dec 11, 2009 - David Biello - Scientific American

    U.S. forests and soils store some 90 billion metric tons of carbon, or 50 years worth of present U.S. emissions from fossil fuels, according to a new study from the U.S. Geological Survey. As negotiators here at the United Nations' climate summit continue to struggle to draft a global agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions—including efforts to reduce deforestation and protect natural sinks—the U.S. Department of Interior is transforming the business of public lands and waters to help combat climate change.

  • Ellensburg residents invest in solar power park
    Dec 11, 2009 - Leah Beth Ward - The Associated Press

    Gary Nystedt was brainstorming with a group of colleagues at a solar energy conference a few years ago when the idea hit him.

  • More than 1000 towns and cities commit to use sustainable and renewable energy
    Dec 9, 2009 - renewable energy focus.com

    The number of municipalities which has signed onto the ‘Covenant of Mayors’ for sustainable and renewable energy has surpassed 1000 since its creation in February.

  • EPA Set to Regulate Wastewater from Coal-Fired Power Plants
    Dec 4, 2009 - Sarah Coefield - Enviromental Health News - Scientific American

    Next to a national wildlife refuge, Indiana’s Gibson Lake provides a prime fishery for bass and an attractive rest spot for hundreds of species of birds, including endangered least terns.

  • ACORE Phase II 2009: Video Archive
    Nov 26, 2009 - Clean Edge News

    Last week, the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) hosted its annual Phase II National Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.

    For those not lucky enough to attend, the video archive is now posted on ACORE's website.

  • Obama to Go to Copenhagen With Emissions Target
    Nov 25, 2009 - John M. Broder - The New York Times

    President Obama is pledging a provisional target for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, the first time in more than a decade that an American administration has offered even a tentative promise to reduce production of climate-altering gases, the White House announced Wednesday.

  • Wind industry calls for improved transmission pricing and planning processes in comments to FERC; also requests reconsideration of harmful FERC order
    Nov 24, 2009 - AWEA

    The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), in two separate filings on related transmission issues.

  • FERC Enters a Maze of Questions About Renewable Energy Transmission
    Nov 23, 2009 - Peter Behr - The New York Times

    The spread of wind and solar power is being held back by fragmented policies on paying for new transmission lines to carry renewable energy, said a group of leading transmission providers in a petition to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

  • European Commission Projects 80% Renewable Energy by 2050
    Nov 16, 2009 - RenewableEnergyWorld.com - Brussels- -Belgium

    More than 550 high-level political decision makers at EU, national and regional level, representatives of the renewable energy industry, NGOs and scientists gathered in Brussels for the 3rd European Renewable Energy Policy Conference, organized by EREC as an official event of the Swedish EU Presidency.

  • Online platform offering policymaker toolkit for secure and renewable energy
    Nov 11, 2009 - Focus.com

    A new online platform launched by the World Future Council provides policymakers throughout the world with tools to unleash sustainable and renewable energy development.

  • President Obama delivers remarks at solar energy center
    Oct 27, 2009 - The Washington Post

    The speech from President Barack Obama.

  • Military joins state is clean energy initiative
    Oct 24, 2009 - The Associated Press

    The U.S. military is teaming with the state to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and to assist in the development of alternative, renewable sources of energy.

  • Tribes want role in renewable energy quest
    Oct 23, 2009 - McClatchy-Tribune Regional News - Jim Myers Tulsa World, Okla.

    Osage Nation Principal Chief Jim Gray told a key Senate committee Thursday that tribes are being locked out of renewable energy opportunities by bureaucratic delays, lack of financing and inadequate access to the national transmission grid.

  • Navy plans massive cuts in fossil fuel use
    Oct 22, 2009 - Steve Liewer - Signonsandiego.com

    The Navy intends to make massive cuts in its 100,000-barrel-a-day consumption of fossil fuels in the next several years, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus said yesterday near the end of a three-day visit to San Diego.

  • Chinese president stresses development of renewable energy
    Oct 19, 2009 - Xinhua

    Chinese President Hu Jintao has urged the country's companies to reduce operation costs by speeding up the development of renewable energy and help improve the country's energy structure.

  • California and Texas: Renewable energy's odd couple
    Oct 17, 2009 - Kate Galbraith - The New York Times

    Texas cares little for environmental niceties. Its governor, Rick Perry, bashes the Environmental Protection Agency at every opportunity, and recently branded the climate bill that passed the House of Representatives a “legislative monstrosity.”

  • Obama Directs Federal Agencies to Reduce Emissions
    Oct 15, 2009 - Robert Kropp - Socialfunds.com

    Executive Order requires Federal agencies to set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets within 90 days.

  • Schwarzenegger, Salazar Sign MOU To Expedite RE Development In California
    Oct 13, 2009 - Solar Industry

    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, R-Calif., has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Department of the Interior (DOI) Secretary Ken Salazar in order to expedite the siting of California renewable energy projects.

  • Governor Signs Two Big Solar Bills AB 920 and SB 32 Continue California’s Drive toward a Million Solar Roofs, Give Consumers New Incentives to Go Solar
    Oct 12, 2009 - YubaNet.com

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. Oct. 12, 2009 - Californians have two more reasons to go solar tonight. Governor Schwarzenegger signed two popular solar bills designed to give consumers added incentive to invest in a solar roof and help the state achieve its aggressive clean energy goals.

  • Energy Department Announces New Private Sector Partnership to Accelerate Renewable Energy Projects
    Oct 7, 2009 - U.S Department of Energy

    U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced the Department of Energy (DOE) will provide up to $750 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to help accelerate the development of conventional renewable energy generation projects.  This funding will cover the cost of loan guarantees which could support as much as $4 to 8 billion in lending to eligible projects, and the Department will invite private sector participation to accelerate the financing of these renewable energy projects.

  • Obama puts government on greenhouse-gas diet
    Oct 5, 2009 - Dina Cappiello - The Associated Press

    President Barack Obama is putting the federal government on a greenhouse-gas diet.

  • India's 1.1 Billion Move to Feed-in Tariffs
    Sep 30, 2009 - Paul Gipe - wind-works.org

    The world's largest single political jurisdiction to date, India, has made a strategic move to use a comprehensive system of feed-in tariffs to develop its renewable energy potential.

  • Salazar Details Administration’s Policy Push to Build 21st Century Power Transmission Grid
    Sep 30, 2009 - Department of Interior

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar told energy industry officials today that the federal government’s past electric transmission policy has been as fragmented and disjointed as the nation’s outdated power grid and that one of President Obama’s top energy priorities is to speed the development of a 21st Century network to move American energy more cleanly, efficiently and safely around the nation.

  • California Accelerates its Pursuit of Clean Energy
    Sep 30, 2009 - EERE Network News

    California's commitment to renewable energy and energy efficiency got two major boosts recently.

  • Alternative energy projects stumble on a need for water
    Sep 29, 2009 - The New York Times

    Amargosa Valley, Nev. — In a rural corner of Nevada reeling from the recession, a bit of salvation seemed to arrive last year. A German developer, Solar Millennium, announced plans to build two large solar farms here that would harness the sun to generate electricity, creating hundreds of jobs.

  • Ontario Launches Comprehensive System of Feed-in Tariffs
    Sep 24, 2009 - Paul Gipe - Wind-Works.org

    First System of Advanced Renewable Tariffs in North America follows from the Continent's Most Aggressive Climate Change Policy

  • White House Unveils Plan to Curb Auto Emissions
    Sept 16, 2009 - Stephen Power and Josh Mitchell - Wall Street Jounal.com

    The Obama administration rolled out details of its strategy to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions from cars, with the head of the Environmental Protection Agency saying the proposal paves the way for regulating emissions from sources such as power plants.

  • AWEA, WOW Oppose Transmission Policy Change in Upper Midwest
    Aug 13, 2009 - Energy Central

    The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) and Wind on the Wires (WOW) filed a protest today with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) opposing a proposal by the utility transmission system operator in the Midwest that, if approved, will discourage the development of wind resources in a region that has been termed “the Saudi Arabia of wind.”

  • Show Me The Money: Recovery Act Opportunities for Small Businesses
    Aug 13, 2009 - Stoel Rives

    On August 5, 2009, the Department of Energy ("DOE") issued a funding opportunity announcement ("FOA") deploying $8.5 million to stimulate small business innovation in the energy sector. This money will fund the first of three phases for Small Business Innovation Research ("SBIR") and Small Business Technology Transfer ("STTR") programs.1 The purpose of these programs is to fund small business research and development projects with commercial potential.

  • Show Me the Money: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Related to Loan Guarantees for Projects That Employ Innovative Technologies
    Aug 7, 2009 - Stoel Rives

    On August 6, 2009, the Department of Energy ("DOE") issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to amend 10 CFR Part 609, the rule regulating the loan guarantee program authorized by section 1703 of Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (hereinafter the �Section 1703 Loan Guarantee Program�). The two principal goals of the Section 1703 Loan Guarantee Program are to encourage commercial use of new or significantly improved energy-related technologies and to achieve substantial environmental benefits. (See these recent alerts regarding the DOE loan guarantee program and the related application process.)

  • Treasury Announces That Applications for Grants in Lieu of ITC and PTC Now Being Accepted
    Jul 31, 2009 - Stoel Rives

    The US Department of the Treasury announced today that applications are now being accepted for grants in lieu of income tax credits pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). ARRA, which was enacted in February, permits an applicant to receive a grant from the Treasury Department in lieu of claiming investment tax credits (ITCs) or production tax credits (PTCs). To qualify, the property must be placed in service in 2009 or 2010 or, if construction begins in 2009 or 2010, must be placed in service by the end of 2012 (for wind), 2013 (for biomass, geothermal and other resources) or 2016 (for solar). The grant functions similarly to a refundable tax credit. The amount of a grant generally is equal to the amount of the ITC for which the owner of the project otherwise would have been eligible (i.e., generally 30% of the qualified cost of the project).

  • DOE Releases Eagerly Awaited Loan Guarantee Solicitations
    Jul 30, 2009 - Stoel Rives

    U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced yesterday that the Department of Energy will provide up to $30 billion in loan guarantees for renewable energy projects. The announcement corresponded with the release of two new loan guarantee solicitations funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and through 2009 appropriations. The long-awaited solicitations provide crucial details regarding the application process for both the legacy loan guarantee program for innovative projects (referred to as the section 1703 program) and a newly established program for projects using proven technologies (referred to as the section 1705 program).

  • Renewable Energy Law Alert: FERC Policy Statement Seeks to Accelerate Deployment of Smart Grid Technology
    Jul 20, 2009 - Stoel Rives

    On July 16, 2009, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC") issued its Policy Statement on smart grid technologies, directing the development of key operational standards and implementing an interim incentive rate policy that will allow for cost recovery of deployed smart grid technologies and certain legacy systems made obsolete by such deployment. The Policy Statement also establishes an important jurisdictional line by providing that, although FERC's rate recovery authority is limited by section 205 of the Federal Power Act, FERC is vested with the authority to adopt smart grid standards applicable to all electric power facilities—even those at the local distribution level and those directly used by retail consumers.

  • Treasury Issues Guidance on Applications for Grants in Lieu of the ITC and the PTC
    Jul 9, 2009 - Stoel Rives

    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), which was enacted in February, permits an applicant to receive a grant from Treasury in lieu of claiming investment tax credits (ITCs) or production tax credits (PTCs).

  • Renewable Energy Law Alert: IRS Guidance on Electing ITC
    Jun 5, 2009 - Stoel Rives

    On Friday, June 5, the Internal Revenue Service issued Notice 2009-52, which provides guidance informing taxpayers how to elect to claim the Investment Tax Credit ("ITC") under IRC § 48 in lieu of the Production Tax Credit ("PTC") under IRC § 45 with respect to qualifying projects. This election was provided for as part of the federal economic stimulus bill, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("ARRA").

  • Rethinking New Transmission For Renewables
    June 2, 2009 - Ralph Izzo - The Energy Daily.com

    The governors of 10 eastern states, many with strong records on environmental policy, recently sent a message to Congress that turned some heads. It focused on proposed legislation to create an electric transmission superhighway to bring wind power from the Midwest to cities on the East Coast. Who could be against that?

  • Obama Seeks Funding Cuts for Wave, Tidal Energy Research
    May 31, 2009 - McClatchy Washington Bureau

    The Obama administration has proposed a 25 percent cut in the research and development budget for one of the most promising renewable energy sources in the Northwest - wave and tidal power.

  • Obama's mining approach leaves industry wondering
    May 23, 2009 - Tim Huber - The Associated Press

    Charleston, W.Va -No one's particularly pleased with the Obama administration's early approach to regulating the U.S. coal industry.

  • Obama Clean Car Standards Deliver Massive Oil Savings
    May 19, 2009 - Union of Concerned Scientists

    The White House today released details of a plan to develop groundbreaking regulations that would require the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) to work together to dramatically reduce heat-trapping emissions from the nation's cars and trucks.

  • The balance between local power and big transmission
    May 8, 2009 - Bill Powers, P.E. - University of San Diego

    This PowerPoint argues for distributed energy vs. the Sunrise Powerlink for the San Diego region.

  • Secretary Salazar Pledges to Open Four Renewable Energy Permitting Offices, Create Renewable Energy Teams
    May 06, 2009 - Interior Department Documents and Publications/ContentWorks

    To expedite production of renewable energy on public lands while protecting land, water, and wildlife, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today pledged to create four Renewable Energy Coordination Offices, one each in California, Nevada, Wyoming, and Arizona, along with smaller renewable energy teams in New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Colorado and Oregon.

  • Washington Legislature Passes Bill to Expand the Energy Freedom Program
    May 6, 2009 - Renewable Energy Law Alert - Stoel Rives, LLP

    On May 4, 2009, Governor Christine Gregoire signed two bills into law. Bill 5921 creates a new Clean Energy Leadership Council for the State of Washington. Bill 2289 expands the Energy Freedom Program from a biofuels-focused program to include energy efficiency, renewable energy and pioneering renewables technologies. It also allows private entities to participate, permits the use of federal funds (including funding opportunities through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ("ARRA")) and creates additional accounts to fund renewable projects. Both acts take effect immediately.

  • China expected to issue support plan for renewable energy development
    May 5, 2009 -Xinhua

    The Chinese government is working on a support plan for the renewable energy industry aimed at raising the country's wind power capacity to 100-150 million KWh by 2020, sources close to the plan making told Xinhua on Tuesday.

  • FERC chairman wants electric grid spending
    May 5, 2009 - The Associated Press

    The country's top energy regulator says the federal government needs to spend much more money on improving the country's electrical grid.

  • Obama's ambitious energy policy
    Apr , 2009 - Patrick E. Meyer - IEEE

    Energy is enjoying a renaissance of sorts. The issue dominates political, economic and social debate, garnering the kind of attention not seen since the energy crises of the 1970s. Unfortunately, the circumstances driving the interest — record gas prices, national security concerns, environmental concerns — are no more palatable than they were 30 years ago. The emergence of China, Brazil, Russia and other large players in world economic markets has pushed energy prices to unprecedented levels, having widespread impact on global economies, and forcing governments to take action.

  • WVa court rejects attempt to halt power line
    Apr 29, 2009 - Brian farkas - The Associated Press

    The state Supreme Court decided Wednesday not to interfere with plans to construct a high voltage power line across northern West Virginia despite arguments that the line would inflict environmental harm and higher utility rates on state residents.

  • Canadian Electricity Association releases North American policy paper, "Enhancing our Integrated Electricity System: An Opportunity to Build on Success"
    Apr 22, 2009 - Canada NewsWire

    The Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) today released its annual North American policy paper in Washington DC. Entitled: "Enhancing our Integrated Electricity System: An Opportunity to Build on Success," the paper presents the Canadian industry's views on opportunities for bilateral engagement between Canada and the US to meet head-on the challenges facing the electricity sector. It can be found on the CEA website at www.canelect.ca.

  • Cap-and-Trade Program Creates Green Jobs
    Apr 23, 2009 - Doug Struck - Scientific American - sciam.com

    The cap-and-trade program created by 11 Northeastern states has begun to deliver revenues that are being used to pay the salaries of new "green collar" workers

  • U.S. May Never Need More Nuclear, Coal Plants, FERC Head Says
    Apr 22, 2009 - Tina Seeley - Bloomberg

    The U.S. may never need to build new nuclear or coal-fired power plants because renewable energy and improved efficiency can meet future power demand, the head of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission said.

  • More Funding Opportunity Announcements for Smart Grid
    Apr 21, 2009 - Stoel Rives, LLP

    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act ("ARRA") provides $4.5 billion to the Department of Energy's ("DOE") Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability ("OED") to be used in upgrading and modernizing the nation's electricity grid. The funds are intended to be used in, among other things, research and development of technologies that improve the delivery of electricity, including distributed energy (small-scale and modular devices designed to provide electricity to locations close to consumers), energy storage to help balance electricity output with demand (important to the integration of inconsistent energy sources such as wind and solar) and other smart grid technologies.

  • Obama's Role in the Smart Grid
    Apr 20, 2009 - Ken Silverstein - Energy Biz Insider

    Ken Silverstein EnergyBiz Insider Editor-in-Chief Read Ken's Blog Respond to the editor. The energy sector could spark the rejuvenation of America. It's all about the production of alternative energy and green jobs and it is being spearheaded by the president of the United States.

  • Hawaii gets to work on energy independence
    Apr 18, 2009 - Mark Niesse - Associated Press

    HONOLULU (The Associated Press) - Writer Printer Friendly Wind and solar power pioneers spent this week seeking their Holy Grail: the ability to easily sell renewable electricity for use on Hawaii's power grids.

  • Carnegie Mellon Experts Say Cap and Trade Policies Are Not Enough To Reduce Emissions by 2050
    Apr 13, 2009 - ASCRIBE NEWS

    A team of researchers at Carnegie Mellon University report in a new policy brief that cap and trade climate policies alone will not be sufficient to put the nation on track to achieve a 50 to 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide by mid-century.

  • FERC Ruling Advances Green Power Express
    Apr 13, 2009 - PRNewswire-FirstCall

    In a decision that supports renewable wind resources becoming an important part of supplying the nation's electric energy needs, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Green Power Express LP's request for favorable transmission investment incentives. It also authorized the establishment of a regulatory asset for development and pre-construction costs. These approvals will enable the partnership to pursue the development of its proposed, multi-state Green Power Express Project.

  • South Africa Introduces Aggressive Feed-in Tariffs
    Apr 9, 2009 - Paul Gipe

    South Africa's National Energy Regulator (NERSA) announced March 31, 2009 the introduction of a system of feed-in tariffs designed to produce 10 TWh of electricity per year by 2013.

  • Treasury Dept. Counsel Confirms Recovery Act Section 1603 Energy Property Grants Not Subject to NEPA
    Apr 8, 2009 - Stoel Rives LLP

    Earlier this year Congress passed and the President signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (the "Recovery Act"). The Recovery Act includes a number of provisions intended to promote renewable energy. For example, Section 1603 establishes grants for specified energy property in lieu of tax credits ("Section 1603 Grants"). Because the recession has had a significant impact on taxable income, fewer tax equity investors are available to "monetize" the production tax credits and investment tax credits traditionally used to finance renewable energy projects. Section 1603 Grants are intended to address this problem by providing a substitute for renewable energy tax credits.

  • The Clean Energy Upside from G20
    Apr 3, 2009 - Sam Hopkins - The Green Chip Review

    "We have today therefore pledged to do whatever is necessary to build an inclusive, green, and sustainable recovery." That's all the Group of Twenty said about renewable energy in its communiqué this week.

  • California Public Utilities Commission Issues New Proposed Decision on Tradable Renewable Energy Credits
    Apr 3, 2009 - Stoel Rives LLP

    On October 29 of last year, the California Public Utilities Commission issued a proposed decision that, if approved, would have allowed California's investor-owned utilities to meet their obligation to procure renewable generation by purchasing tradable or unbundled renewable energy credits ("Tradable RECs").1 Tradable RECs are the environmental or "green" attributes of renewable power separated from the underlying energy, allowing the utility to purchase the Tradable RECs from a renewable generator without buying the energy.

  • Obama links budget to environment
    Mar 23, 2009 - Philip Elliot - The Associated Press

    President Barack Obama said Monday the nation must move quickly to develop clean and innovative sources of energy after years of delay.

  • India Seeks US Support to Meet Climate Change Challenge
    Mar 25, 2009 - BBC Monitoring South Asia

    With the Obama Administration focussing on clean and renewable energy, India has sought partnership with the US in the field to meet the growing challenge of climate change.

  • Joint LBNL/NREL report analyzes choice of PTC, ITC, or cash grant
    Mar 18, 2009

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are pleased to announce the release of a joint LBNL/NREL report titled “PTC, ITC, or Cash Grant? An Analysis of the Choice Facing Renewable Power Projects in the United States.” This report was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

  • Secretary Salazar Issues Order to Spur Renewable Energy Development on U.S. Public Lands
    Mar 11, 2009 - Bureau of Land Management

    Energy Zones a Key to New Initiative WASHINGTON, D.C. – Citing the critical need to reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil, build a clean energy economy and create new jobs, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today issued a secretarial order making the production, development, and delivery of renewable energy top priorities for the department.

  • Feds reconsider Navajo power line decision
    Mar 7, 2009 - Felicia Fonseca - The Associated Press

    The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is reconsidering a decision on a right-of-way easement for an electrical transmission line that is expected to carry energy from the Navajo Nation to areas across the Southwest.

  • Duke Study Critiques Corn Ethanol
    Mar 6, 2009 - RenewableEnergyWorld.com

    To mitigate the release of greenhouse gases, it makes more sense using today's technology to leave land unfarmed in conservation reserves than to plow it for corn to make biofuel, according to a new Duke University-led study.

  • Majority Leader Reid Introduces Renewables-Focused Transmission Bill
    Mar 6, 2009 - AWEA -Wind Energy Weekly

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) introduced the first of what may be several transmission bills aimed at harnessing renewable energy.

  • Senate leader introduces national clean energy transmission system bill
    March 5, 2009 - Kate Rowland - Energy Central

    The opening notes of a clean, green electric transmission symphony were heard Thursday in Congress as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid introduced proposed legislation that will require the President to designate renewable energy zones in areas with significant clean energy generating potential.

  • President Barack Obama's Address to Congress Features GENI's Ideas and Ideals
    Feb 24, 2009 - Address to Copngress

    "We know the country that harnesses the power of clean, renewable energy will lead the 21st century. And yet, it is China that has launched the largest effort in history to make their economy energy efficient. We invented solar technology, but we've fallen behind countries like Germany and Japan in producing it. New plug-in hybrids roll off our assembly lines, but they will run on batteries made in Korea."

  • US Energy Secretary: Should Invest Heavily In Pumped Hydro Elec Storage
    Feb 23, 2009 - Dow jones & Company, Inc.

    The federal government and markets should invest " heavily" into pumped hydro electricity and compressed air storage, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu said Monday.

  • Fed eyes renewable energy projects
    Feb 23, 2009 - McClatchy-Tribune Regional News - James Monteleone - The Daily Times

    The federal stimulus bill is anticipated to steer $43 billion in nationwide investments into a yearling renewable energy industry, but the slumped oil and gas industry likely will be left out.

  • FERC OKs Rates For 2 TransCanada Transmission Lines In US
    Feb 19, 2009 - Dow Jones

    Federal regulators approved power shipping rates Thursday for two high-voltage electric transmission lines that TransCanada Corp. (TRP) plans to build in the western U.S.

  • Energy plays big role in stimulus plan
    Feb 17, 2009 - UPI

    A smart electric grid and the development of clean, renewable energy to power a 21st century U.S. economy are part of the stimulus plan, the White House said.

  • Ontario could be coal-free by 2010 with a truly bold Green Energy Act
    Feb 9, 2009 - Michael Oliveira - The Canadian Press

    TORONTO - Ontario's energy mix could be virtually 100 per cent coal-free by next year, especially if the government boosted conservation by residents and acted boldly with its upcoming Green Energy Act, suggests a new report.

  • New RPS Proposals Under Consideration by Congress
    Feb 9, 2009 - Stoel Rives, LLP

    Enactment of a renewable portfolio standard ("RPS") has been under consideration in Congress and elsewhere for several years. In a nutshell, an RPS would require that a certain percentage of electricity sold to retail consumers must be obtained from renewable sources, such as wind, biomass, solar, and geothermal. Several states have enacted their own RPS, but to date no action has been taken at the federal level.

  • Commission gives its approval to feed-in tariff for solar power
    Feb 6, 2009 - Megan Rolland - Gainesville.com

    Beginning March 1, those in Gainesville with new solar photovoltaic systems will be eligible to receive 32 cents per kilowatt hour of electricity produced by the system over the next 20 years.

  • Studies Show Renewable Energy Taking Off, but Federal Policies Needed to Keep Momentum, Science Group Says
    House Voting Today on Stimulus Package Including Energy Provisions
    January 28, 2009- Union of Concerned Scientists

    Washington, D.C. – Two recent reports documenting the rapid growth of renewable energy development in the United States show that state renewable electricity standards and federal tax incentives are effective policies. New federal initiatives, however, are necessary to ensure continued expansion, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS).

  • Clean Energy, Bright Future (pdf) (4.26 MB)
    January, 2009 - Environment California Research & Policy Center

    This report provides specific recommendations in support of the president-elect’s efforts to ensure a green economic recovery and estimates the environmental benefits of those recommendations. These proposals, when fully implemented over the next decade, would reduce annual global warming pollution by nearly 10 percent below current levels and reduce oil consumption equivalent to taking one million cars off the road each year. These proposals would begin to transition America to a clean energy economy and put more than three million people to work quickly in ready-to-go projects. This is nearly as many jobs as Obama has called for creating with the entire stimulus package.

  • Groups press for tribe-friendly renewable energy policies
    Jan 7, 2009 - McClatchy-Tribune Regional News - Rob Capriccioso - Indian Country Today, Oneida, N.Y.

    As more tribes explore and get involved in the renewable energy field, a network of tribal groups is asking President-elect Barack Obama to support tribally owned and operated renewable energy projects, along with economic development initiatives that could reduce dependence on fossil fuels

  • Energetic start to new year: Laws that broaden 'net metering' take effect today
    Jan 1, 2009 - McClatchy-Tribune Regional News - Larry Rulison - Albany Times Union

    New York - New state laws that allow businesses to sell renewable energy they generate back to their utility take effect today.

  • International agency for renewable energy to be established
    Dec. 26, 2008 - The Associated Press

    More than 50 countries are expected to establish an international organization in January to expand the use of and promote research and development on renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

  • Renewable energy law comes into force
    Dec 17, 2008 - McClatchy-Tribune Regional News - Euan Paulo C. Anonuevo - The Manila Times

    Philippines - The President said the new legislation is the "first and most comprehensive renewable energy law in Southeast Asia" that would enable the Philippines to capture a part of the soaring investments in renewable energy development worldwide pegged at $71 billion last year.

  • Despite downturn, Calif. adopts tough climate plan
    Dec 12, 2008 - Samantha Young - The Associated Press

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California on Thursday adopted the nation's most sweeping plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions, issuing rules that could transform everything from the way factories operate to the appliances people buy and the fuel they put in their cars.

  • SEIA Policy Priorities for the New Administration
    December, 2008 - Solar Energy Industries Association SEIA

    Solar Energy Fuels Domestic Job Growth: A Blueprint for Job Creation and Economic Security

    The current economic crisis requires the United States government to make strategic investments in industries that will improve our economy. At the same time, our nation has an opportunity to invest in industries that foster our energy independence, improve our security and reduce our greatest environmental risk – global warming. Increasing the use of solar energy will provide a clean, reliable and domestic source of energy while creating millions of new jobs. Solar is not only the cleanest technology, but solar produces more jobs per megawatt (MW) of installed capacity than any other source of energy.

  • Senator Dorgan Says He’ll Introduce Transmission Piece of Pickens Plan
    Nov 17, 2008 - Wind Energy Weekly

    U.S. Senator Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.), a senior member of the Senate Energy Committee, said he intends to introduce legislation containing the portion of T. Boone Pickens’s energy plan calling for creation of a national electric transmission grid and a major expansion of wind and solar energy.

  • Ark. panel suggests plan to reduce global warming
    Oct 23, 2008 - By Peggy Harris - The Associated Press

    The Arkansas Governor's Commission on Global Warming has completed the state's first study on greenhouse gas emissions and arrived at 54 recommendations the panel says will help reverse global warming if everyone does their share.

  • US Dems To Push Climate Bill As Recovery Tool For Econ Crisis
    Oct 17, 2008 - Dow Jones & Company

    U.S. Democratic leaders say they plan to push a climate-change bill in the new year as a central tool for economic recovery, but the financial crisis may have arrested the political momentum necessary to pass such legislation.

  • National Grid: Dream or Reality?
    Oct 16, 2008 - Ucilia Wang - greentechmedia.com

    U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell told a solar conference crowd that she will tackle the complex issue of regulating utilities and building new transmission lines at a time when money is tough to come by.

  • One-Year PTC Extension and Eight-Year ITC to Become Law
    Oct 3, 2008 - Wind Energy Weekly

    After more than a year of debate, both chambers of the U.S. Congress approved a bill to extend the renewable energy production tax credit (PTC) through December 31, 2009. President Bush swiftly signed the “financial bailout” bill, to which the PTC extension was attached, after the House passed it today.

  • New York formally adopts carbon cap-and-trade program
    Aug, 2008 - Power News

    New York State's Environmental Board last week unanimously approved regulations to implement the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a market-based, mandatory cap-and-trade scheme to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants within 10 northeastern and mid-Atlantic states.

  • Gore: Carbon-free electricity in 10 years doable
    Jul 17, 2008 - Dina Cappiello - The Associated Press

    Former Vice President Al Gore called Thursday for a "man on the moon" effort to switch all of the nation's electricity production to wind, solar and other carbon-free sources within 10 years, a goal that he said would solve global warming as well as economic and natural security crises caused by dependence on fossil fuels.

  • California's deadline for renewable power in peril
    Jul 12, 2008 - Xinhua

    California's big electrical utilities may miss the state's deadline for increasing their use of renewable power if Congress doesn't extend tax credits for new solar plants and wind farms, it was reported on Saturday.

  • Cuba saves US$1 billion with 'energy revolution' and eliminates blackouts
    Apr 15, 2008 - The Associated Press

    Cuba says it saved more than US$1 billion (euro632 million) over two years and eliminated blackouts with its "energy revolution" that focuses on conservation and new power sources.
  • Majority of Renewables Going to States with Standards - Study
    Apr 15, 2008 - Wind Energy Weekly

    Over 50% of non-hydro renewable capacity additions in the U.S. from 1998 through 2007 occurred in states with renewable electricity standards (RESs), and 93% of those additions came from wind power, according to a report released by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

  • Renewable Resources Are Rising Stars
    Mar 7, 2008 -- STATE DEPARTMENT RELEASE/ContentWorks

    At the three-day Washington International Conference on Renewable Energy (WIREC), participants from public, corporate and private sectors repeatedly stressed the importance of quickly harnessing the earth's sustainable natural resources for energy.

  • Xcel CEO bullish on renewables
    Feb 9, 2008 - The Associated Press

    Some utilities are fighting mandates for renewable energy. Xcel Energy Inc. has embraced the trend and would like to see some national standards on renewables for utilities.

  • FERC approves incentive rates to accommodate renewable energy projects
    Feb 8, 2008 - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Documents and Publications/ContentWorks

    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) today granted Xcel Energy Services, Inc.'s request for incentive transmission rates as part of its plan for six transmission upgrades to meet state renewable energy generation standards and serve increased power demand in the Upper Midwest.

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IREC Connecting to the Grid (Interstate Renewable Energy Council)

CIGRE: International Congress on Large High-Voltage Electric Systems

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